DON’T SKIP! My reaction to Nahida Skill Leaks Abilities, and Details in Genshin Impact? You don’t want to skip Nahida based on these Nahida Leaks!
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Nahida Leaks? CRAZY 5 Star Dendro Support. Kusanali / Nahida has AMAZING new Dendro Support Skills as a 5 Star unit set to be released in 3.2 / future patch in Genshin Impact! The latest Genshin Impact Patch Leaks are for Nahida, a 4 Star Dendro Catalyst character!
#GenshinImpact #Nahida#Leaks
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Aside from using nahida for dendro teams I will also have her on random teams.
Like albedo, nahida, miko, and Barbara. I'll just spam Barbara attacks while chillin on albedo's flower.
Well, that means a team of all 4 archons currently in the game is gonna be one of the most broken teams to have….
You likely won't die and dish out huge damage….
Grabbing plants at a distance with her skill is already great
Thanks buddy!
Great vid but WHO SUBBED THIS 😂
Shes pretty much one of those units you pull "Just in case." hoyoverse decides to do some meta shift towards dendro so you have her sitting there ready. Or you just want to collect all archons but I'm still not buying into the whole dendro thing they trying to sell though. Probably pull for the archon collection but not for some crazy dendro team. Not to mention the argument players are having for the past two weeks about the "Endgame." Debacle. We already delete the game for the most part. I guess this way you could have dendro reactions delete the game and you just kind of afk or something? Lol.
I agree, and when I saw her kit I was like "This character is GOATED." Now yes there are the kazuha's (vv and elemental dmg bonus) and the bennetts (healing and atk buffing) and I always ranked them above everyone else. Then Nahida came out. She has no icd in her skill being a duration of 25 sec (she got buffed) and she doesn't have an expensive energy cost as it is only 50 which means we don't have to run much ER on her. Also to echo what you mentioned, her burst by default is similar kazuha's c2 except she gives a bit more with 250 EM at 1000 EM (again she got buffed 25% of the highest character with EM). Thus, she is also soo easy to build and play.
Nonetheless, I am going to equip her pure EM with a 4pc gilded dreams artefact set. Crit rate = 29%, Crit dmg = 140%, ER = 150%, EM = 944 with buff 4pc gilded and 794 without buff from gilded. Anyways, good luck to everyone in wishing for her!
The Deep Wood Set…, sweet! ❤️
I was wondering what would’ve been the better choice.
Again: get who you want. No one is a must pull because there is no endgame and no pvp.
What is with the weird captions? Was it created with AI?
It sucks they back out of giving Geo a reaction with Dendro. As for Nahida I really want to pass, but Archon's have always ended up very helpful and given what they said Dendro is the only thing that is going to directly boost older character back into more relevance….save physical and geo. 🙁 I stopped whaling after Ayato, since the end game just really isn't there. Nahida is likely to be my last one unless they change their mind about what they said in the interview. Maybe one more if it turns out they release Signora.
The subtitles aare breaking my brain xd
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What’s interesting to me is Hoyo with this trend releasing characters that are meant to be more useful with future releases.
Looks like the trend going forward I guess.
We should all boycott her for different. reasons. First, her C2 likely is gonna be literally PayToWin. I know it's a gacha, but it's gonna be so nasty, you can literally crit with Dendro Reactions you normally can't. NotLikeThis. Second, she feels very lazy like all the other characters lately. She literally applies Dendro and give some EM? Not only she is a cringey loli, but a bad designed one too. You can hate me for this all you want, but it's just the reality.
Your captions are funny.
Nahida = The healer
Seeds = Siege
I don't think there's a "Must have" character anymore since Hoyo confirmed that they won't be adding an end game content anymore. But if you want a fun and meta defining character, you should be pulling for her.
Cant wait to get her and layla
The most impressive thing is the deep understanding Hoyo has of the gamestate. They are carefully tuning characters to only 'shift' the balance and not break it: evading powecreep. Some units are intentionally weaker but come with saving graces like playstyle, aesthetic etc. Ofc, ultimately these decisions are tied more to company profit and less to player satisfaction, but hey that's how businesses work.
The heat is so strong.
Ohhhh shit dude I know those per word subtitles look cool, but it confuses the hell out of me. I’m not a native English speaker. Altough good at English i am used to reading subtitles. So when trying to listen to what your saying my eyes bombard me with random words thrown at me by those subtitles🤯
Am I wasting a party slot if I put Dendro MC in the same party as Nahida?
she is the definition of "A complete shutdown to Cryo element". This is the day that finally comes, no more Cryo flex. Fridge is a thing but bloom sucks if not Nilou, burning can still be useful but why you want to use that if you can't keep the pyro uptimed. Anyway, I hated cryo because of the number of unit we have and they're all dominating, Cryo is a chain that if you don't have Shenhe, then your damage as cryo user, will either be wet noodle or just normal noodle. So yeah I am quite happy.