Thank you all for the support!

So for today’s video I wanted to just talk about Kokomi and how I think she is going to be better than what people think and how I may have been wrong about her working well with the Raiden Shogun. Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below!

Raiden Shogun art: https://www.peakpx.com/en/hd-wallpaper-desktop-exfbp

Kokomi art: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4630513

Artist: Tia 1207

10% off GG Supps: http://gamersupps.gg/discount/FurtherBeyondGaming?afmc=FurtherBeyondGaming

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Fan website: https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/albedo/

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35 thoughts on “KOKOMI BETTER then PEOPLE THINK + WORKS WELL with RAIDEN!?? Genshin Impact”

  1. I have never seen another video about any subject, including genshin impact , That has so much talk but literally zero substance. Just like politicians.
    The only single point you make throughout the whole 11 minutes is 'You can use your good substat, and bad main stat artifacts on her'. But Why?
    Why should i spend my primogems to get a character, just so that i can use my bad artifacts?
    Not to mention,Even If you have an shit artifact with godly crit substat rolls, How can she utilize it when she cant even crit?

  2. I'm imagining that she might possibly replace Childe in the national comp as a hydro applicator. The bonus she has over childe is that she'll be able to tank enemy hits near fearlessly (and also top her teams HP off). But let's see how she comes out!

  3. I understand the artifact argument and agree everyone is obsessed with Crit Rate / DMG Circlets but forcing 0% crit rate doesn't really solve that, imo it's forcing people to play the character the way the devs envisioned it to be played and that's just poor game design for a gacha.
    Reminds me of the early Zhongli days where Mihoyo kept saying "he's a tank stop trying to make him hit hard idiots" then back pedaled when it blew up in their faces.

    At the end of the day a game is meant to be enjoyed and if someone wants to run a DPS 300% Crit Rate Kokomi why should Mihoyo have to hard cap that person's choice?

  4. God roll artifacts with bad main stats will be useless on her though, I have a couple hp main stat crit rate/crit dmg/attk% artifacts that would be considered "god roll" substats but she cant use crit rate or crit damage. What she needs are hp main stat artys with garbage role substats like hp%/flat HP/energy recharge etc.

  5. seeing people skipping her like this proves that people are not prepared for changes in the game. people like to see big crit numbers and if a character doesn't do that, they don't care 🙂 she wont crit, but her atk will scale with her HP, just like other characters we already have 🙂 we'll still see big numbers from her 🙂

  6. Just like my Level 1 Barbara. I don't really care for a Hydro Catalyst user. I only recently leveled up Mona and whatnot to 70 just to help with the pyro cube for Yoimiya, and whoever else will need those materials in the future…
    Don't care for her design. Her abilities overall are a bore. It's just Japanese Barbara with Mona skill. She could have increased 100% crit rate and i'll still skip her like rocks at a pond.

  7. Tbh idc wether she can do damage or not, im more interested in her supporting capabilities. Her heals will be good, but i probably wont summon if her jellyfish has worse hydro application than mona.

  8. For me, the issue is the realization that it isn't necessary to have any character unless you like the design/story or have some other reason.

    Let's also not forget that 50% off all Genshin players will be spooked by the superior healer while pulling on this banner…..no way she lets this crap slide while doing nothing.

  9. Kokomi is good although I'm not gonna pull for her bcoz i used all my fates on shogun. Kokomi is like a 5 star barbara but more like a dps higher than barbara. Others think that if they heal they're support but that's not 100% right nor 0% wrong, you can build them dps its just that the healing is just a support. I just don't like those other players hating Barbara,Qiqi and Kokomi. Good video fbg

  10. From what we are seeing rn, she isn't worth pulling.
    "Just good" isn't enough to pull a limited 5 star. At least in my perspective
    She doesn't need to do damage; if her kit is interesting; then sure. Else nah

  11. just build your wanders with atk, EM, ER, HP if you want to go DPS

    she's literally the easiest character to build to date that will have consistent damage that doesn't requires you to rely on RNG crit

  12. for ganyu freeze comps she seems like a direct upgrade to xingqui. Not having to shoot a normal arrow between charged shots for hydro, having enemies want to gather around the jellyfish for the splash damage and being able to get the tenacity of the millielith buff.

  13. Huh? Ofcourse Kokomi works with Raiden… it is the most obvious teamcomp with either Beidou or Xiangling and Kazuha added to it. I have no clue who is sleeping on any of this🤔

  14. I can't agree with anything you say. We already have examples of units who scales with Def or HP for damage scaling and they can't just stack that stat for good performance and require crit like everyone else. Just having diffrent stat requirment doesn't mean it's any easier to get perfect artifact for a character, for Kokomi you would want to focus on HP% and ATK% rolls with some ER on the side and if you are using HP% main stat that means you want all substat rolls in a single ATK% stat which is actually less likely than 50/50 split between crit dmg and crit rate and I bet your ass almost noone kept any of those artifacts over last year since those were always considered garbage stats, the only healing circlets I kept have good crit stats and guess what? On top of that it's not like she can't really use sets people usually farm like nobless, most likely only 4 piece hearth of depth of 4 piece Remi (if you can generate enough energy) will be optimal on her, 4 piece milielith can technically work but that means she'll do even less damage. But once again since she is so HP%/ATK% focused I'm pretty sure almost noone have good hearth of depth or hydro goblets with those stats rolled saved up for her unless you've been farming for her months in advance. So, no she wont do good damage and it wont be any easier to get perfect artifacts for her. Oh, yeah and bolide set will work too I guess if you are using Zhongli, but then why would you need dedicated healer on Zhongli's team?


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