Know This Before Pulling in Inazuma 2.1 – Genshin Impact

Things to know about the new characters in Version 2.1 of Genshin

Check out the Boss and F2P Character Guides in my channel.




44 thoughts on “Know This Before Pulling in Inazuma 2.1 – Genshin Impact”

  1. My heart belongs to Yae Miko but since the anniversary patch will only give about 50-60 pulls. Im shivering in fear rn
    (I wasted like 120 pulls for thundering pulse. Didn't get it in the end)

  2. The only thing that makes Shogun not as good as Venti/Zhongli is because she's an Electro character, which makes her only good but not broken. Had she's a Pyro/Cryo/Hydro archon with her kit, she would have been a tier zero character, just like 2 previous archons.

  3. Thank you for a great summary video!

    Regardless of how powerful Baal seems, I’m prioritizing for Kujou Sara C6, I like her design more than anyone. But hey, it’s just me. Best luck to anyone who pull whoever you want!

  4. the fact that i can think of like, 3 different builds for Baal just reading the description of her kit is actually amazing and fun.

    rip anyone that pulled for Yoimiya for meta reasons tho

  5. can't wait for your 2.1 wishes livestream TSoul!!! I will be very delighted if you are able to pull both Raiden Shogun and her signature weapon on the same account. I'm still debating on whether to spend primogems on the weapons banners as I really want to hold off for 2.2's banners and/or any reruns that come in the near future. I just hope that I can find a good F2P alternative polearm for Raiden Shogun since I own nothing viable right now.

  6. People who's wishing for Baal, please tell me…
    why are you guys pulling for her?
    I feel like an outdated person sitting at the corner wondering why people are so excited.

    Anyways, I won't be pulling for any of the 2.1 characters. Wanna save up for a guaranteed 5*. GL on those who want to pull for Baal, Kokomi and Kujou Sara!

  7. I’m pulling for the Shogun without a doubt, I hope I will have enough primos to pull for Kokomi because she is so dang cute and I wouldn’t mind changing things up and use her instead of Barbara

  8. It pains me to skip Kokomi because she's one of the coolest characters in Genshin in terms of design / animations, but I just can't justify dropping the primos on a character with abilities so redundant and underwhelming. And the anti-crit debuff is just baffling! It's like how Yoimiya can't utilise her own burst; these characters aren't that strong to begin with, why is Mihoyo making them worse with these arbitrary restrictions? I imagine most players will skip Kokomi, and hopefully that prompts the devs to buff her before she gets a re-run.

  9. okay i know i really should pull for baal, and probably will. but i want kokomi so bad! like i love her design, i don't mind catalyst users play styles and plus both of my teams for abyss require hydro supports but not electro. so sadly i may just pull for ball for meta..

  10. I am pulling for shogun no matter wat and after her i'll save some for ganyu. Not sure to get shogun in my 50/50 but if i get her then ganyu will definitely come home. Anyways Good Luck to everyone!

  11. Baal killed me dead in the few seconds she appeared in the 2.0 trailer. I've been fearing the day her banner would come ever since. I knew nothing could stop me from certain death (again) via bank account…..

  12. hello Tsoul, I really appreciate your guides !!! I have a question about Baal. which would u consider better: trying for her c1 or for her weapon? her weapon is pretty special, by which I mean apart from maybe zhongli no one would really benefit from that this much. but on the other hand, I'm really determined to invest a lot in Baal, so im still struggling to decide

  13. My friend is pulling for Baal (guaranteed pity) and I am pulling for Sara. I’m so excited for both of us—we’ll basically have our ults up at all times lmao


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