Knights of Favonius Spark Knight! Forever with a bang and a flash!
—And then disappearing from the stern gaze of Acting Grand Master Jean.
Sure, time in solitary confinement gives lots of time to think about new gunpowder formulas…
But it’d still be better to not be in solitary in the first place.
Credit: Thanks to 上上谦_-_-_
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Genshin Impact is an action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Android, and iOS in September 2020, PlayStation 5 in April 2021, and is planned for future release on Nintendo Switch.
#shorts #genshinimpact #genshin #klee #genshinedit
Oh these teamers 😓
Spinning klee XD
Rou Rou raite power
She has got to be dizzy 😂 and having a massive headache
Klee: flex in the world
Smoll kureeee
Helicopter helicopter
Hahah what did I just witnessed 🫣😂
KLEECOPTER!!!! ='^'=
Klee most be really dizzy after this 😵💫🤢
Music please
They committed Arsen everywhere they spinned
Waiting for the helli meme
she really doin a spin!!1!1!
As a Klee main I support this.
helekopter helekopter
i can feel dizzy just watching
Klee is so CUTE
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Around the world – Around the world
Klee after that:😵😵😵
We can't do anything anymore she's to powerfull
klee-bayblade.. go brrrrrr…. LOL
She was spinning so fast that she gained an anemo vision and used it to keep flicking through her book
She was spinning so fast that she gained an anemo vision and used it to keep flicking through her book
Me at 2 am
Pls dont say klee ate something before doing that
Klee after spinning like a fidget spinner:
Wait… Event dodoco island back?
Dayum Klee just turned into a beyblade
nice transition, remember when her birthday killed geovishap by herself and gave us juvenile💣💣💣🦎
legend says that klee is still spinning to this day
"news, multiple places are in ruins and the residents has describe the criminal to be a small girl with red clothing using Bombs as weapon"
my man bought klee for this, i appreciate it
Youre my tiny Symphony
She isn’t abound on the statue bc only barbotous is aloud
As a klee main and a person that whaled for klee I LOVE THIS VIDDD
Klee: reads Kaeya’s rules about not blowing stuff up while exploring
Also Klee: blows up everything with bombs😌
If she spins to fast she will be come a drill
Хэликоптер хэликоптер…
s p i n
A very cute video, but such an over used song it's disgusting at this point