Kirara Is Good But Redundant | Genshin Impact 3.7

An analysis of how Kirara will impact the meta in Genshin Impact
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00:00 What Kirara Is About
00:46 Defensive Capabilities
01:58 Offensive Capabilities & Application
03:10 Constellations
04:37 Artifacts
06:38 Weapons
07:09 Better Than Baizhu on Quicken?
08:18 Great for Nilou
09:31 Kirara Is Worth If….

Affiliated to Yomiholic


30 thoughts on “Kirara Is Good But Redundant | Genshin Impact 3.7”

  1. She's definitely more versatile than most elemental pure-shielders cause she can (literally) drive reliably with her Sayu-esque catbus form.

    I do prefer Baizhu over her tho cause while yah, her shield is v strong and higher uptime than Layla. She's just a shielder, so your characters will slowly whittle away health-wise as Kirara's shield leaks out damage (like with any non-Zhongli shielder) without having a healer on the team, so you might still need to put a healing character, sacrificing offensive potential characters. Zhongli didn't have that problem and Layla sometimes doesn't since she's Cryo and used in Freeze teams which gives leeway to switching back to her and making sure no damage leaks through, but Kirara is Dendro so she'll be in teams who self-damage a lot and she needs to cast her skill to refresh it again if it pops. Might be dangerous esp. with corrosion.

  2. I wonder what weapon Kirara should take on Keqing/Fischl/Kazuha aggravate team, they sure don't need extra energy generation from Fav and Kirara's energy requirements should also be quite low due to Fischl/Electro resonance/whopping 4 dendro particles on a single hold cast

  3. Interesting kit, but having Kaveh, Nahida Alhaithamand Yaoyao unless Kaveh get´s an 5 star off field alternative so I can run him with his roommate I don´t see myself investing in any additional Dendro characters

  4. Sounds like they want to move away from Zhongli pulls. Which is weird since his banner will make more money than Kiara. But whatever, hoyo has been assbackwards for awhile now. I love Baizhu, but he really isn’t that great… not for a 5*

  5. Thanks. I definitely wanted her given her resemblance to Pardofelis, but it's nice to know that she's competitive with Baizhu. This gives me more incentive to continue saving my remaining primos and not use my remaining ones on a Baizhu hail mary.

  6. Kirara really makes Baizhu pretty redundant for me bc there's even less incentive for me to chase him.
    It's not that Baizhu isn't good. I just have characters to cover his roles already.

  7. Nah, I don't plan on pulling her. I already have all the current dendro units. I don't think I'll find a need for Kirara with both Yaoyao and Baizhu on my account already. Besides, I'm more of a healer > shielder person.

  8. They clearly buffed Dendro reactions at release in 4.0 to make the upcoming units seem appealing. Man, never have I imagined how much Dendro they were going to push out back then.

  9. I'm definitely looking forward to Kirara, I skipped both Kaveh and Baizhu knowing that she was coming after. I do already have a well built Yaoyao but having two defensive dendro units is probably not a bad idea. If we get a heavily AoE focused abyss in future I might want to run both Nilou and Keqing quicken. Currently I only have Yaoyao who would like to be on both teams. Besides Kirara seems to have some overworld utility which is always nice!

  10. genuinely ridiculous that not only did they neuter baizhu so extremely but they’re releasing yet another 4* that makes pulling him either redundant or Literally a downgrade. what is wrong with this company.


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