Baby Radish decides to attack | Genshin Impact #genshinimpact #nahida #yaoyao
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Kinich 💚
Ur Emilie is strong too
did my brother actually stay on your stream😂 i was holding a water gun on his head lol
Yayyyyyyy I got nahida c1!!!!😆😆😆😆
For what emilie
А что делает супер способность Эмилии?
She couldnt even lay her hands on him, cuz hes too good!!💪
It's my c0 kinich max damage 😨 what constellation?
that fucking song is fucking horrible
I have kinich lv 90 but damage is very low
Plz explain full video I have 5star weapon talent lv 9 only want artificats
I also kept blowing her up with his nuke skill
Bruh I never reached 200k even on hilichurls though
I dare you to do a full playthrough only using bennett (Use other element characters if needed for weakness or monuments
Wow. Your kinich have cons right?
U did the same but instead of emilie I used Hu tao abd dehya with Bennett and Kinich.
Same i did that too! Except i dont have emillie. I use xingqiu instead. I only have 1 dendro
That's why we pulled for kinich❤❤❤
Woah…no matter how hard I try I can only hit 100k with kinich :’)
Build ?