Keqing buff idea ! and how Mihoyo should improve Genshin Impact

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21 thoughts on “Keqing buff idea ! and how Mihoyo should improve Genshin Impact”

  1. Oh yeah yea,give Keqing a no stamina consumption on her heavy so everybody can just permanently spam her heavy attack just like they do plunge on Xiao, phenomenally "good" gameplay decision,how the fuck is that fun ?

  2. Any of you guys play The Witcher 3 before? Something like Gwent, a card game mode in rpg world would be great to add in Genshin… Fight npc around the world to collect new card, some of npc are open, some of the hidden in the wilderness… With all this card, we can fight pvp in a tavern where everyone can join in and challenge other players, get reward after win… Might as well put leaderboard for who win the most in that server… This is a very fair pvp mode, which didn't involved any paid content, just involving afford to collect them.
    This idea make player explore the world more to collect new card and gather other players to play together and having fun.

  3. I would like if they provide trading feature that you can sell char and weapon ascension material, food, local speciality and talent book in exchange we can get mora from what we sold to other player.

  4. GENSHIN IMPACT main problem is there is TOO MUCH teleporter like you don't need to walk 100 meters and enjoy the scenery /pick up resource along the way.

    Feature need to add:
    1. Weapon mastery 1/100
    The more you use weapon mastery you have, the more damage you can give.
    2. Selling of food potions to other players to get some mora.
    3. Boss spawn in the map like davalin in openworld or childe convertible strength mobs. (you have your choice to run away)Boss drops chest[up to gold depending on difficulty]
    4. Hide and seek event inside monstadt with random people to prevent cheating and capture players using some kind of camera.
    5. More anemo cicles while gliding in the map (It was literally only shown in events and time mechanism) we need more of that while gliding


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