Kazuha the NEW ANEMO GOD? | Genshin Impact Kazuha Skill Full Details & Translation | Patch 1.6 Leaks

#GenshinImpact #Kazuha #Leaks
Genshin Impact Kazuha Skill Details. Kazuha is a new Anemo unit set to launch in Genshin Impact Patch 1.6! The latest Genshin Impact Patch Prediction & Discussion are for Kazuha! Note these aren’t ‘Official’ Genshin Impact Patch 1.6 Leaks & Genshin Impact Kazuha Leaks but just ‘Predictions’ and could change!

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0:00 Intro & Skills
2:30 Ascensions
4:30 Constellations
7:00 Kazuha vs Others + Other Future Changes
8:45 What do I think about Kazuha
10:00 Like & Subscribe ;D


35 thoughts on “Kazuha the NEW ANEMO GOD? | Genshin Impact Kazuha Skill Full Details & Translation | Patch 1.6 Leaks”

  1. He looks really cool and fun, but I reeeally hope he will be a main DPS and not only a support. I already have c4 Sucrose and a Venti, I have no room or need to build another support Anemo 😔

  2. I've skipped so many banners: Gantard (no interest), pulled on Xiao though, Hu Tao (no interest), Venti (already have him), pulled on Childe constellations, no interest in Rosaria, Zhongli (already have Zhongli, no interest in the girl), Eulbore (no interest). Now time to dump all my primogems on Kazuha.

  3. Yeah…Not sure about this guy. I mean, he's anemo, he's support, but he's also another 1h sword. Been hoping for a claymore anemo forever. Honestly, I'd rather get a Jean over him. But…We'll see where my pity lies when he comes along. I'm only a few 10rolls away from Eula, and I want her as well as Klee when she comes up, So I may pass over this guy solely for that.

  4. Now im confuse wether i choose klee or kazuha in 1.6 update cause kazuha sounds really great but i need more pyro dps, the one i dont like about klee, she is very squishy and its like a liablity to team🤔

  5. The bigger questions that I haven't seen anyone ask is this:

    When will the main character obtain the rest of the elements?

    Will he/she, (whoever you chose), obtain the rest of the elements?

  6. I dunnoe about Kazuha or meta or husbando but I just rolled Zhongli and he really speeds up my ore mining run… I think he is my best investment yet🤣🤣🤣

  7. i wanted to go for eula because as a new player i dont have a good dps yet, and also the banner supposedly has xingqiu who i also want, but this guy seems cool as well so now idk 🙁

  8. skipped venti for Zhongli, also skipped rerun, tried rolling on sucrose, spent 70 rolls not a single sucrose among those rolls. Kazuha it is, please come home, i need a gatherer on my main account

  9. Ive been following you for a long time. But im confused, why is so many characters either "God Teir" or "SSS Teir" in your videos? They cant all be God or SSS, can they?

  10. Guys are you ok with that ???
    1000 EM to give 3% elemental dgm to the team ?! It's SO BAD.
    I don't even consider him as a supp. Nothing really scaling in EM, it's a joke to me. Just build him as a sub DPS and go ! for


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