Hi guys! I’m so excited to post this video because we’re finally getting KAZUHA! I know you’ve all been waiting for him for years but it’s time.

Edited by me.
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#GenshinImpact #Genshin #Kazuha


30 thoughts on “KAZUHA RERUN CONFIRMED?! SHOULD YOU PULL VENTI? | Genshin Impact”

  1. as much as it pains me to say, it’s highly likely that they’re gonna push kazuha back to 2.8. it’s a reality i should have faced sooner. i had some hope for 2.6 but hoyo has broken any fucking spirit i have. i have this gut feeling they’re going to piss me off and rerun itto in 2.7 and kazuha and yoimiya (i want them both) in 2.8. and i’ll be so mad. i actually won’t have any reason to play the game until then. and the reason why kazuha is going to be in 2.8 is because the fuckers at hoyoverse KNOW he will be super fucking profitable, and they need to maintain sales all the way until 3.0. now as someone who has been saving for kazuha (and yoimiya, recently) for 5 months after i lost 50/50 on his first banner, this fucking disgusts me.

  2. If they don't rerun him before sumuru, he's gonna be the second next most rarest character in the game and most wanted/waited character. Mihoyoverse WILL notice that someday and have to rerun him immediately.

  3. i suggest you make genshin videos a big majority on your channel, and branch out to other games when you build a bigger audience. i'm sure you'll build a huge audience really fast if you continue uploading such good quality videos. this is just a thing i've seen other youtubers do so yeah

  4. I've been farming for Kazuha since 2.0 I think? And omg I can't wait any longer. I'm still not sure if I should pull for Ayaka because I really want her too but I'm kind of scared that after I pulled for her I don't have enough primos for Kazuha.

  5. Hello i have 2 pieces of skyward bow 5 star
    My team is diluc xingqiu qiqi and liza
    Should i pull for venti or wait to kazuha
    I am in guarented pity and enough primos

  6. I'm getting Kazuha's C1. It doubles his EM from what I understand. I started this game late, and on Venti's rerun. I had to skip him, but now I'm not missing him again. However, I'm not missing Ayato or Ayaka either. I'm a dolphin, and hopefully I'll get them all.

  7. When I have a hard time choosing between two or more units, I usually go for the one with the most rerun history. Venti's getting his 2nd rerun, while Kazuha's only getting his 1st rerun.

    Because either way, I have to wait on one or the other. If I went for Kazuha, I have to wait for Venti way longer than if I wait for Kazuha instead

  8. so idk if this is a valid problem but i have a guarantee and i really need a crowd controller
    i was planning on getting kazuha but seeing as he is gonna be really far back im tempted to get venti since 1 hes an archon and i got zhongli so it'll be nice 2 he's really cute and i love his animations
    now here my problems i main a bunch of decently built characters namely yanfei with the national team supports (xingqui, benny, sucrose) keqing with beidou kokomi and zhongli for shields but my main main team is itto gorou zhongli and benny when im doing domains and stuff so im not sure if i should get a good dps meaning ayaka who can clear abyss cuz all i've managed is get 2 stars on floor 12 and 8 stars on botj floor 11 and 10 i wanna get all 36 stars for all the primos everytime so im very torn between getting a dps ayaka or crowd controller venti and then hope to win 50 50 on kazuha banner
    my plan was to get venti on the guarantee and hope to win the 50/50 on ayaka's banner but im not so sure so if anyone could help me out that would be great!
    i hope everyone has a great day who read this far haha

    edit my pity currently is a little above 60 and i have no primos saved plus im f2p and i cant spend any money
    the most i could do is somehow get the welkin but thats it

  9. I need a little bit of help. Right now I have a 56 pity with no guarantee and 75 wishes. I was thinking of getting Venti then save for Kazuha again but since it's not sure if Kazuha is going to get his rerun on 2.7/2.8, i don't know if I should pull for Venti


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