Just an average Xiao (Royal Spear) – Genshin Impact #Shorts


49 thoughts on “Just an average Xiao (Royal Spear) – Genshin Impact #Shorts”

  1. I hate going into domains with my Xiao because every other Xiao player is OP and already has a full investment into him… Meanwhile I'm just trying to get his artifacts at 16+ and he's hitting damage but looks like a weakling compared to others ;-; rip

  2. How am I this unlucky I love Genshin impact but what happened I had drawn xiao finally then the game crashed and I don’t have him any more everyone I know that plays this game has him I guess I have terrible luck

  3. My f2p Xiao at lvl 70:
    Weapon: white tassel
    Artifact: 2pc glad 2pc berserker 1 anemo bonus goblet ( i got amazing substat )
    Does at least max. 18k dmg with bennet ult. Without bennet ult, my xiao can hit around 15k dmg when ult activated

  4. I wanna ask players who use Blackcliff Pole: people say its passive is bad but is it really tho? I can buy Deathmatch for Xiao and I can get Blackcliff at ref2 which one do you recommend? And I also have pieces that have crit dmg and crit rate main stats. I saw a video saying you can get a crit dmg head piece and max it then the crit dmg % will be higher than Blackcliff. Right now I'm using Protoype Starglitter temporarily.

  5. I have the Deathmatch lvl 90 on him, lvl 6 talents but materials yo ease them to 9 (just lacking of mora) Xiao Lvl 80, but terrible artifacts, maybe that’s the reason why he doesn’t do enough damage


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