Its Over… They Nerfed Her | Genshin Impact

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Genshin impact is a cool open world game with gacha elements. It is developed by hoyoverse. It has an engaging story, thrilling combat, and amazing characters. Genshin Impact is one of my favorite gacha games.

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36 thoughts on “Its Over… They Nerfed Her | Genshin Impact”

  1. At C2 her hydro application is as good or better than C6 Xingqiu so not a problem but I feel like this was expected, she would’ve been too broken if she has 1.5U on her hits. Also, without C1 it isn’t recommended to pull for her bow since her bow doesn’t improve her ER

  2. Lol i feel so bad for yelan fans honestly no character SHOULDNT get nerfed if they aren’t doing ganyu damage and can one hit everything period i’m not going to get her and i’m still not because i want Itto but gl yelan fans stay strong ❤️

  3. I was planning to pull for her because of her 1.5u thinking something new like double reaction and stuff is she is slightly better than xingqiu because of this nerf then its a skip still will wait for the actual release.

  4. and this is why people need to stop be so hype on number a lot of thing gone to be change in the beta a lot so what people see now is what the unit will not get when they come out like all the talk about her kit so early is what cost this

  5. are people forgetting about all the the other damage buffs this girl gets from passives and just raw damage. Do you really think not vaping every hit is gonna be that big of a deal. Are those hilichurls giving you that much problem my dudes. Calm your tits and wait for release, then doompost all you want.

  6. I see now no reason to pull for her since I already hve c6 xinqui and she is said to hve energy issues and now after being nerfed she applies only 1 U hydro instead of 1.5U

  7. Let's be honest tho yelan nerf is because of the community like they are putting everything everywhere what make her good and give us the choice to have the nerf or to pay for more hydro applications like its just B E T A ITS NOT EVEN OUT

  8. Well , this is what happens when a bored community try to analyse a character too much before their release and overhype them too much , which leads to such nerfs.
    Analysis is okay but analyse for cons and not why that character would be broken/great for.
    Take Ayato's weapon as example its passive horrible before release and people actually pointed it out so Hoyoverse tried to fix it somehow.
    As for Yelan , her leak videos got out as soon as patch started and people were almost telling that she would break the game and be broken almost in less than a week into 2.6
    then this happens

  9. 1.5 U was better for Yelan but Developer want become her 1 u so it's similar to Xingqui C6 or still Xingqui C6 is still better option?

    I hope she would work in my Hu tao.

  10. honestly mihoyo can sometimes be the worst company ever, why nerf your characters in a game that isn't pvp? what is a charcater being a bit too good{ it makes 0 sense why she is just slighly better than her 4* counterpart now when she is a 5*} going to do to the game? it isn't going to make people quit like if someone was too op in a pvp game and they just simply got too annoyed, it would just make the game more fun for us but they are just simply really stupid as a company.


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