I LOVE Yoimiya… But She Might be a BIG SKIP for A LOT of Players | Genshin Impact

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21 thoughts on “I LOVE Yoimiya… But She Might be a BIG SKIP for A LOT of Players | Genshin Impact”

  1. I hate and love the fact that she is basically bow Hu Tao. They should’ve dedicated more of her kit to her 2nd Charge Shot/Firework Arrows. Had they done that, I could justify the pull, but since they didn’t and I already have Ghost Waifu …

  2. Seka: Her Pyro Application is very quick.
    Tenten: ICD

    So range attack have ICD and close or melee don't? Pls enlighten me.

    Edit: You can't use Xinqiu in range so that's why melee works. But the ICD problem with is E application is problematic.

  3. i know one thing for sure, I'd at least like a Sayu, I have really no reason for Yoimiya, I have a Klee and a Hu Tao built up, so if I get her it will probably be a bit of a waste

  4. just putting this out there but barbra E with rosaria crit boost with sucrose does everything you jsut said you couldn't get to work probably better to switch rosaria with bennet though

  5. Yoimiya is so strong she gives herself pyro damage gives the team 20% attack with passive talents, pairing her with Baal Albedo + any anemo its going to be broken since all of them can give off field damage(Baal's E, Albedo's E and Yoimiya Q), energy recharge, elemental mastery,overload.

  6. people be crazy she was liek 5 times more interesting and fun to play as then Ayaka. And having a decent fire bow user is way more useful then having a dozen ice characters. Although Ayaka is a good player to use and looks nice. Her backstory is super cliche and boring. I've been waiting for Yoimiya and vastly more interesting in her then other Inazuma characters.PS, stop fucking click baiting for views and comments. People like you are ruining the internet.

  7. I dunno, but I'm feeling that Baal will be a huge let down, for me who is waiting for a 5* electro since launch(Keqing is from the standard banner), I think there is just too much pressure on Baal. Even though I already have primogems to pull for her, I'll wait some reviews, I will try to resist hype to see if Baal will be a game changer like Venti or Zhongli because what I could see is that she throw enemies always and it can be as much annoying for me as Keqing charged attack.

  8. If u just wanna pull for her then alright , but there s Aloy right after,Also Baal ,so no need to pull for a 5 star amber
    Tho ive got ayaka and kazuha so I’ll skip

  9. For those who are wishing for Yoimiya I wish you best of luck. For those wishing for the 4*, I wish you best of luck. I personally am skipping because I’m at soft pity with a guaranteed banner character. Saving it for Xiao because I REALLY want him. Yes, I know he’s not the best, but his play style is so fun for me. Yoimiya still POGGY tho!

  10. the simple reason is before her banner is ayaka a character that was hyped ever since before the game was released and after yoimiya banner is baal the electro archon and usually archons are super powerful its like yoimiya is sandwiched

  11. I def want her after seeing genshin showcase her today, but since how wanted ayaka was and how shes coming before baal with how many ppl rlly want baal, shes going to turn out just like albedo.

  12. Why saying not to pull for her because Aloy is coming while I see Aloy is Cryo, not Pyro that really puzzle me??! is suppose the statement be not to pull for Ganyu Re-run as you will have Aloy?

  13. Yaaa, if I cared about having strong characters, I would have got Ganyu but I care about design and the characters personality and decided to skip her. Yoimiyo is probably one of my favorite character designs with Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Sara (Another character I dont really need but is getting either way).

    I do agree that she won't add much to the team probably if you already have Hu Tao or Diluc, but I'm a waifu slave so I care about the waifu's rather than the meta lol


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