Is Venti really the weakest of all the Archons? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore, Theory and Reaction)

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #barbatos #archon #natlan

biting my time till the imaginarium theater drops for genshin 4.7 in a few days and we can talk more about the hexenzirkel stuff. but till then a venti video cause why not. although venti stans might not like the conclusion drawn in the video lol. going over barbatos cliaming he is the weakest of the 7 archons, despite past accolades suggesting otherwise, and the entire hexenzirkel wanting to challenge him like he was the primordial one. is he stronger then ei or zhongli? no. is he weaker then nahida and the now dead focalors? surpisingly maybe. anyway natlan teaser should be in like two weeks right? crazy nothings been leaked about 5.0

0:00 Intro
0:50 Wuthering Waves pulls
4:32 Venti and Hezenzirkel
5:13 Nahida and Venti
6:00 Venti vs Signora
7:07 Venti past lore
9:40 Belief in Barbatos

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #barbatos #archon #natlan


34 thoughts on “Is Venti really the weakest of all the Archons? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore, Theory and Reaction)”

  1. Bro went almost 5 minutes of yapping about his pulls and losing mind with the results AND THEN casually gets back to smoking sovering of soverings crack with genshin

  2. Nah nah nah bro you're misinterpreting it. The game just wanted to make sure you have a guarantee for Changli. The better, the hotter, pull choice. TRUST 😃

  3. He's definitely the strongest (with zhongli being the only contender against him)

    i mean the hints are all over the place: knowing all the songs from the past, present and even future? , summoning the winds of the past so people can remember their past memorie during winlesafes?
    Throwing mountains (the tallest one in the world at that) to the ocean with the power of pure wind? Making a whole archipelago with it's remains?
    Temple of wind and time?
    Astorath the god of time?
    The quest named wind and time?
    The flashbacks he got from celestia in the comic?
    The collective witches of Hexenzirkel only RIVELING the power of anemo archon (from the words of Alice herself)
    I don't buy him not being the strongest

  4. Do you need a better luck? I can recommend you some Slavic rituals to fix that.
    First of all, it would help to cleanse your aura. During the full moon or waning, take a shower. While you're showering, do movements as if you wanted to wash away your aura and say "I release myself from this burden."
    After your own aura has been cleansed, it's time to remove potential bad luck caused by superstitions. Take a piece of unpainted wood and knock into it. As if you knocked a door .Then spit through your left arm (it doesn't have to be very wet, just "tfu" is enough).
    After you've reduced bad luck, it's time to increase good luck. You need a candle and a dark room. Start the fire on the candle, and look at the fire. Focus on it, cleanse your mind. If you can't focus, let your thoughts flow until you can focus on the fire again. Imagine there is a fire of your own energy inside you and try to feel it increasing. Think about this energy working to increase your luck.

    I hope this will help. Note that you don't need to do it all in order, so you can start the stuff that don't require moon phases right now.

  5. Venti is lying his ASS off. He knows where we are at all times, for one. So long as the wind blows, he hears everything as well. There’s no way in hell he’s weaker than Nahida either, and she’s a baby.

  6. combat wise, i think he's among the weakest. he's a support type of god, choosing heroes from different era to give his aid to. first was the unnamed bard, second was Venessa, third was Dvalin against Durin, and currently, us when we tried to free Dvalin.
    in terms of importance tho, I'd say he's up there with Rukkha (npw Nahida) and Egeria (now Neuvillette is holding it).

    so far, the 2 playable Harbingers (because Wanderer is no longer considered one) have very unfavorable opinion of the wind. Childe said the wind is picking up, there's conflict in the air. and Arlecchino basically said don't tell your secrets to the wind because the wind will spread it around.

  7. I agree with you that his power derived from the people's faith is small and he could be the weakest in terms of combat. However, I think his power of music is underrated. He tamed Dvalin, soothed Xiao's karmic debt, and even entranced Durin thus he stopped fighting for a moment. If Rukkhadevata could create a whole race of Aranara by singing, I wonder how much Venti can do by his music.

  8. There are several categories and variables to try to reach a conclusion in this discussion, such as:

    the size and strength of the faith that humans have in these archon

    brute/physical force

    their innate power

    their arsenals

    In Venti's case, all of Mond has faith in him

    he can launch blades of wind that can cut through mountains

    Possibly has the power of time

    has a lyre that can transform into weapons and an elemental dragon as his right arm

  9. Technically, it’s not just the church and the people of Mondstadt who worship him. This is because anywhere in Tevyat, one needs the blessing of the Anemo Archon to be able to glide, as mentioned by a Sumeru NPC.

  10. The Fact that he had that much power in the past, and chooses to sleep all the time (which i believe is to negate erosion), I would say he still has most of his past power.

  11. As I said before, since starting playing the game in September – I never won any 50/50. Including Wuthering Waves. None, zero. No Genshin, no Star Rail. For example I lost both times on Furina. In her recent rerun I got my third Deluc

  12. strongest vs weakest seems to be about thug vs subtle. Subtle influence is usually much more powerful in consequence than explicit thuggery, but explicit thuggery is what we all enjoy watching and doing.

  13. Strong. How does even one define a strength of a God?

    Sheer power? Amount of Gods Killed? Wars won? Fear factor? Faith? Control over people? Gnosis? The seat of the seven?

    I don't know. I just know venti isn't weakest nor is he the strongest. He's just upholding his title and being who he is. A God of Breeze and Hope. God of Wine. A protector of Mondstadt. God of Freedom.

    I know he used to be strong because Archon War is war of Gods and He will not be seated as the Anemo archon for nothing. I don't think powers dwindle as much afterall.. Ei is still as strong as before despite 500 years of meditation. Nahida still gains strength slowly despite a very low amount of people believing her. Focalor is a different story.

    I just haven't heard Venti killing anyone directly ya know? It's always him supporting others and doing the killing.

  14. I still think Venti is powerful, BUT not in combat, rather through hax,

    1. Venti can surpress or furify many kinds of curses & corruption:

    He can surpress the karmic dept of many Gods inflicted upon Xaio, (I am not shock if he can render delusions useless as they were the same stuff)

    He can possibly remove Abyssal corruption from Dvalin (The Traveler interrupted this process)

    (I am not shocked if Venti was the one that surpress kaeya curse of immortality, and can do the same to Dains, & Gold)

    2. Venti has abilities related to Time:

    He knows all songs from the past, present and futures.

    He pull off the winds of the past.

    3. Venti has some weird abilities:

    His influence produce talking animals and objects, like the talking Squirrel & Boat, to the origins of the Kitsunes.

    Venti also seems to have good control over his Authority to the Winds, disable many users of the glider without his permission.

    Venti might be a strong a contender over Rukhadevata, and Nahidas abilities.


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