Is The Game Becoming F2P Unfriendly? – Genshin Impact

Is Genshin Impact becoming F2P unfriendly? Is it becoming P2W? I discuss whether it’s becoming F2P unfriendly or not in this video.

I think there are many aspects of the game where the game is still F2P friendly with some outliers. In some aspects, you can consider it less F2P friendly depending on the context. Spiral Abyss plays a role in determining this.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Intro – 0:00
What Makes A Game F2P Unfriendly? – 0:22
Is Genshin P2W? – 0:45
Positive Aspects of F2P – 1:28
Negative Aspects of F2P – 3:09
My Thoughts – 5:21


17 thoughts on “Is The Game Becoming F2P Unfriendly? – Genshin Impact”

  1. I have a few friends who play genshin f2p and i'm honestly shocked at how many 5stars they have from only playing for I think ~8 months now. The game hasn't really changed in terms of being more or less f2p friendly which is good and bad. It's good because their is no content that f2p can't do like other gachas. However the downside is that as the roster of characters get larger and larger it's more difficult to get specified characters. Now yes you can do every content in the game with the base roster, but I would like at the very least make 4 stars easier to get. They kinda did this with the lantern rite event/s so I guess more of those types of events would be nice? Another idea would be to have more 4stars be unlockable by doing quests would be cool. Like how xingling used to be unlocked by doing her cooking questline, but they for some reason moved her unlock to the abyss. At the end of the day the current state of genshin is fine considering how much fun f2p are having with the game.

  2. Gesnhin one of the most f2p
    Even the abyss with insane artifacts can be cleared with f2p char
    Thou I think the region lock like u have to reach inzauma or semuru to get some char accension material is bs
    That system kinda should change imo
    Also f2p can get pretty good amount of primos anyways playing through the main game itself
    Spiral abyss counte for like >1% of the games lol

  3. i don't consider genshin p2w in the traditional sense because of how much freebies they throw our way each patch, and with events + overworld we have plenty of resources to build a very strong account.

  4. I general I think that any game is Pay to Win if you can pay money to get stronger (getting a meta 5 star or constellations o 5 star weapons) but Genshin very F2P friendly as it does not require you to spend money (even less now with how strong and easy to build is dendro hyper bloom) to complete the game. Challenges in the Abyss require a lot of time, resources, knowledge and preparation to build teams for multiple scenarios (which it seems the majority of the player base don't bother with).

  5. I think major negative aspect of being new player, not even exclusively F2P, is heavily diluted pool of 4star characters that you get on standard banner or occasionally on featured banners too. Getting a 5-star character is about as hard as it used to be and new 5-stars are in general better as good ones get reruns more often. But getting higher constellations of good 4-star characters like Bennett or Xingqiu is much harder than it used to be.
    Being behind other accounts because you started recently is fine. There's no competition. And Abyss is optional. So many players completely ignore it and feel no need to even try it again after they failed a few times at the start. I used to be one of them for about two years and it did not spoil my game experience in any way. I just took my time and tried again when I was feeling strong enough.

  6. Spiral abyss floor 12 yes I can see something changing. Other than that nope I don't see that ever becoming an issue. However as you mentioned a new player does have alot more challenges then say a person that started 1 or 1.5 years ago

  7. Never spent any money in the game and I can get 34-36 stars on abyss easily, been playing since the Yelan-Xiao banner! I think it's definitely not as F2P friendly as something like Guardian Tales, but I'm surprised at how generous they've been getting recently, specially the latest desert pool thingy!
    Something that concerns me, as you said, is that the game isn't new player friendly at all. I really dislike how they include important lore in limited events, for example, I only know how relevant Albedo is because I watched videos about his event, or Kokomi and the vishap people, I enjoy learning about lore and it's a shame those events aren't permanent and no one tells you what happened. And it's too bad you can't get weapons from past events but can buy dumb expensive gadgets that do nothing.
    Also, if other regions are anything like Inazuma, it'll be horribly painful for people to get new characters. Imagine that the game is at the point where Khaenriah comes out, a new player rolls for Dainsleif because he's so cool and handsome but this new player will have to go to all 7 nations and complete a billion quests just to get the materials to ascend him…

  8. I am f2p , i started in 3.1 .
    I don't think the game is pay to win . U can clear the whole game and experience 99.9 percent the whole game have to offer . But resin is a really big issue for me . Because my progression feels really slow . I have so many charectors which are level 10 cuz i don't have resin . I am still building the ones i got before . And artifact's farming is quite hell . I really hate the 4 stars which are locked behind thier c6 like kujo Sara or faruzan.
    And i really hate they keep adding furnishings . Even tho nobody really cares . They will fix bugs which give advantage in 24 hours, but they won't fix resin . They won't add better artifact's system . They won't make dehya better . They won't make the traver speak more .

  9. I started a f2p account and was able to beat the abyss within 5 months due to pulling smartly. If you have played ~6 months and can’t beat the abyss you didn’t pull smartly, your builds are bad or you are not mechanically good at the game.

  10. I only ever bought 5-6 welkins back in the first year of the game's release. Kinda felt bad to play for free for hours on end and have so much fun without giving anything back. Especially when I remember paying $100+ on a single N64 cartridge back in the day… "Genshin is the never-ending Zelda game I've always wanted and it's completely free!!" was my train of thought.


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