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Eula is finally here in Genshin Impact. But is she worth getting!? IS here damage as insane as people say? Here is my quick Review of #eula
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1:03 this change everything
based on my experience, Eula destroys even the Ruin Guards/Graders/Hunters way too easily for a Physical Damage type
Hutao could change your life, Mtashed
2 days ago, I lost my 50/50 to Mona, but i continued pulled 20 times and got my Eula. Now i have both Mona and Eula, what makes me extremely happy!
She is great
My elue
Us great
You know what I think you should have mentioned about the "skipping eula"?
Yes, she doesn't change everything.
Because what changes everything in the game are the SUPPORT chars. Ganyu is a special case of a DPS who can support extremely well. But outside of her, what really matters for S-tier and SS-tier (or howeves "S"s you want) DPS characters are her playstyle. You are gonna get more boost from a Zhongli/Bennett/Xingqiu etc. Than from changing, say, Diluc to a Xiao. And supports can support almost everyone.
I think Tectone said it very well: if you are so on the fence, that you must ask yourself if you NEED her, than you are probably not going to get satisfied. That said, I think she is great, and I am still considering if I should try to go for her, based on how fun she is.
You said u gonna skip it no? What a bs u r
I'd rather have Zhongli, but I lost the 50/50 twice
Team big D Diluc
The only thing that got baited here is me, into watching this video
I got her in single 10x pull and even got her 1st constellation unlocked.. i do the pull at frostbearing tree… what a luck
Hey help me what what character I use in electro element I have beiduo and razor
You know what Zhongli changed my life when i got him at pity. ๐
I'm so glad I wished on Eula banner. In 40 wishes I got the 2 Xinquis I needed to be at C6, I got 2 Xinyans I needed to be at C6. I got a Bedoui already had her at C6. And I got Eula. I think she's fun to play. Everyone skipping her because they think she's weak is a fool. I have all the characters and she's not weak. She's very fun to play. Give me her over a boring character any day.
The reason i played the game because of Venti. Started on the windblume festival and got him to C2 and use him as my main DPS. Doesn't bother me if it took me a while to finish a boss fight, i just use him to my heart's content and i'm having a lot of fun. ๐
I enjoyed eula in the test play and would love to get her but… Shes another claymore DPS and it's kinda hard to replace a c6 razor ๐ although Ayaka should be here in the coming months and I already have all the gear she needs to have 100% crit. lmao I've been prepping for months.
Bro u made like 2 videos asking me to skip the banner now u saying shes good what's up with that bro. stop milking her lol
I thought you quit Clickbait Genshin to go back to Clickbait Destiny.
Just pulled qiqi on the eula banner. Bring out the sad violin boys :/
Well i like eula and yanfei and qiqi
So i built them up and its woth it
nah, still skipping this. Looking forward to who comes next ๐
So much for u hard skipping her, i guess u will say and do anything for views
Which character is better to start with eula or zhongli? Which would make farming fun and easier?
Basically just cryo razor so imma stay loyal to my wolf boy son!!!
The downside for Eula+Fischl+Diona is that Electro will be the persisting Aura, so Superconduct is only open for a specific window
Do you think using her with Childe is okay? I also haved leveled up Xiangling, Fischl and Jean that I could put there
Honestly, if we compared Fischl AA and Eula, Fischl is way superior.
I actually get it u guys won't trust me but idc
So glad you triple crowned Diluc! Diluc is one of my favโs !!
me having 0 primogems and having only wished 10 times on Eula: jealousy
easy skip eula he says… and now here we are.typical.just typical
Eula does bring a big number of dmg, but you need to stand alone use all atk &skills for 7 secs after pressed Q, but they are almost dead before 7 secs…
0:04 Why did i hear 5 million damage as Thigh million damage?
I just stacking my pity pull for kazuha but after my first 10 pull i accidently pulled her not sure if im happy or not since recently i've just pull zhongli and interested in replacing her for my main dps which is chongyun but resources ang mora are limited
Lucky me I just got that character right now, in one wish , and I am a free-to-play prayer
I just Got Eula, trying to get Xingqiu, wanting Ganyu. Iโm currently crying I donโt even have a good weapon for Eula but I have the Amos bow for Ganyu.
I just get them because how cool they look :))
Iโm f2p and I got eula (my first 5* character) on the first 10 wish from her event, so imagine my reaction ๐
only summoned because.. ''it takes 2 to tango''