MiHoYo STRIKES back | Genshin Impact $800 for Thoma…

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22 thoughts on “MiHoYo STRIKES back | Genshin Impact $800 for Thoma…”

  1. Could you write this off as a business expense? I can't imagine wasting $800 on a FOUR star. Like you just got Tectoned but for a shitty character :/ is the FOMO for content creation that bad?

  2. Pulled 165 times and aside from some random 4* weapons ended up with 8 Dionas, 5 Sayus, 2 Thomas, 2 Hu Taos and 1 Qiqi so I indeed got more 5* than Thomas! That can't be right…
    Not that I was going after him specifically mind you and those Dionas (she was already C6) helped refund some of the wishes I used after that to get Homa so all's well that ends well haha

  3. I unfortunately missed the stream yesterday but I have 3 very important things to say.
    1) That is a cute and precious little cat! :3
    2) The sheer amount of Diona’s and bows you got was astounding
    3) It appears Thoma loves to play hard to get 🤣

    Edit: I just watched MiHoYo abuse both Lei 7 and Walrus both financially and psychologically 😵‍💫

  4. Apparently, Mihoyo can sense anger, frustration, sadness and regret whenever we pull. While i sit here watching whales people pull for so long. Free to pain problems lmao.

  5. I might be a bit toxing but i didnt feel bad for you at all. Ever since the rosaria incident everyone shouldve known this could happen. On the other hand…. This was good rafing content so i do hope you get your moneys worth back lmao. I liked and im subbed.


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