Is Raiden Shogun Rerun Worth It? 15 HONEST THINGS To Consider! (Genshin Impact)

Raiden Shogun rerun is coming in 2.5 and I want to talk about her biggest strengths, weaknesses and questions everyone has about her!

In this video, I go over 15 things to consider for the upcoming Raiden Shogun rerun banner in 2.5 Genshin Impact, which is estimated to show up around March 9th, 2022 since this Raiden Shogun rerun banner is going to be on the second phase of the 2.5 update.

I go through many different things like C0 Raiden potential, how strong is C2 Raiden, C0 vs C2 Raiden Shogun and much more. (one of the considerations also cover Engulfing Lightning and the weapon’s importance and should you go for Engulfing Lightning or C2 Raiden)

Genshin Impact is an open-world gacha game that’s available on PC, PS4, PS5 and mobile devices (iOS & Android). Genshin Impact features fast gameplay with best RPG elements in an action packed setting.

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48 thoughts on “Is Raiden Shogun Rerun Worth It? 15 HONEST THINGS To Consider! (Genshin Impact)”

  1. EDIT: Slight mistake at 6:11 – the weapon hard pity is at 80 (not 90) so this essentially turns it into around 195-240 wishes instead of 225-270 to get Engulfing Lighting from Epitomized Path, which is still a huge investment just to get a weapon but I would still say it's roughly around the same comparison as trying to get C2 if you have C0 Raiden.
    Oh right… Forgot to mention if you roll on Engulfing Lightning weapon banner (which is not confirmed yet) then you may end up owning one or several Donuts (which are also not confirmed yet)
    So… Kokomi supremacy confirmed 😛 ?

  2. I disagree with the notion that Raiden's skill does not deal damage. The uptime on the skill is 27 seconds long and can trigger every .9 seconds, a decently-built Raiden can easily do over 2k damage per skill proc. In the Abyss, where frequently you will see full uptime on her skill, you can assume you'll hit at least 15-20 of those procs, netting 30k – 40k damage overall at the very least. While it's not terribly flashy compared to a lot of other characters, it is consistent and brainless, which is very valuable in itself!

    R5 Catch, decent 4pc Emblem, L9 on skill talent is my metric for 'decently built' here. Quite attainable.

  3. She was the character that I was supposed to skip but maybe the game wanted me to get her coz I got her in 30 pulls. I still don't know how she works before but after playing with her, even at C0, I realized how good she is especially with the Raiden National although I use Childe instead of Xinqiu coz I use him with my Hu Tao. This Raiden National is my second team in the abyss. I love her, want to get her C2 but maybe it will be impossible for F2P. 😅

  4. The best thing about Raiden is that she's literally have no downside.

    There's tons of character in this game that basically strong at one thing but average/bad on other but Raiden literally is a jack of all trades and master of some.

  5. "Best artifact domain in the game. With many characters using both of these sets"
    Is that true?? I have never heard anyone recommend using the Shimenawa piece outside Hu Tao or Yoimiya, and that's two characters out of the many we already have

  6. i still dont know if i should pull raiden or wait for kazuha, as a f2p is a really tough decision.
    shogun raiden is crazy damage,but kazuha is super flexible for most teams,but idk i need more arguments😔

  7. "Is raiden shogun worth it?"
    Me: You tell me. I've lost 50/50 to her, she has a booba sword that cut through musoujin gorge in one slice, and she's a weekly boss now? Not to mention her incredible burst dmg? She's still so worth it imo good luck everyone!

  8. As the light spender, but my Shogun is C0. I'm not sure it would worth it for getting more of her constellations? Because I have 50 of 80 pity in weapon banner. But I having hard choices.
    Should I need Engulfing Lightning of my Shogun? Or Ayaka's Signature Weapon "Mistsplitter Reforged" for my Keqing in next patch? My Shogun has The Catch R5, but do everyone' thoughts of minimum ER requirement for the Shogun? Also, I just don't need either of Miko and Ayato.

  9. I have c1 raiden and guaranteed pity. Now is my best chance to get c2 raiden. But i want be realistic, because im not a whale, just wellkin player, constelation is not so important. I think the best for me is, have as much as character i can. So i can play different team, Compare i only have 2 or 3 char with constelation. Ive been playing with raiden and ayaka. RN i want play diffrent char, diffrent team. That way i will not get bored with genshin.

  10. Here are my two cents, ive seen c6 ningguangs better than a maxed out c2 raiden, If you love raiden go right ahead, i just dont believe her damage is that great specially considering that some of my 4 stars out dps most of these engulfing lighting c2 raidens

    I personally dislike raiden lore wise and i dont find her playstyle enjoyable so i will be skipping her banner, good luck to those who want her and i hope you dont get the cocogoat lover herself

  11. One thing for sure, investing many resources on her is very rewarding. But if you're being cheap on her (bad artifacts/random weapon/low lv skill and burst), don't expect too much from her.

    I used to think that she's very underwhelming support due to my bad artifacts and average lvl skill and burst.

    She's just as greedy as main dps in terms of artifacts and talent lvl.

  12. I have her at c0 and running her with bennet, xiangling and xinqui/kazuha. I also have eula at c2 but i never put them on the same team to 36 star abyss. Raiden at c0 is already a carry. Nevertheless ill get her to c2 on her rerun


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