Is Neuvillette the Strongest DPS Ever?? 7 Strongest Nuke Showcases{Genshin Impact}

Is Neuvillette Strongest DPS Ever?? 7 Strongest Nuke Showcases

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inspiration for this type of video was taken from “DYSPRO GENSHIN ”

Thanks For Watching!!

Song – Wriothesley Theme by Tnbee

#neuvillette #genshinimpact #fontaine #hutao #wriothesley


29 thoughts on “Is Neuvillette the Strongest DPS Ever?? 7 Strongest Nuke Showcases{Genshin Impact}”

  1. More like who has fastest burst damage. (I didn't mean the Burst as a ulti skill but doing most damage in shortest time)

    Some party still has more damage to do but enemies already dead. While other already spend and has no more damage to do.

    It like comparing 1m burst to 2m dps.

  2. Characters which are missing in the video either I don't have them or they are too weak to show
    *This is not a comparison video more like a showcase video!
    *Please subscribe if you liked this video we are close to 3k 🙂

  3. Honestly the rotations and teams themselves aren't that optional plus you should've done this to Scaramouche boss in weakened state. My Hu Tao with no food buffs was able to reach 714k with her burst and she didn't even have Homa at that time

  4. Just like Hutao & Alhaitham, Neuvillette's will likely become consistent in clearing the hardest content in the game (spiral abyss).

    These three are on fielders that are not reliant to their burst for high dmg and most importantly they are sustained.

  5. #HELP
    I just pull for Neuvillette in this banner and lost my 50-50 to diluc 💔.we know that the next 5star is gonna be Neuvillette guaranteed but my question is will the guaranteed transfer to the next banner or i have to forget I've a soul and grind my assoff building pity!!!


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