Is Genshin Impact Worth Playing In 2023? | GoodBuy

Genshin Impact has a daunting level of content and systems, but is it worth diving into? Here’s everything you need to make a decision!

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20 thoughts on “Is Genshin Impact Worth Playing In 2023? | GoodBuy”

  1. Genshin impact is difficult to suggest to someone weather they should play it or not.

    The game is entirely free to play, you can clear the hardest content without spending a dime, the story is good and is constantly being expanded, the combat is fantastic and the characters are all good even the 4 stars which is rare in a gacha game like this.

    Speaking on the gacha aspects of Genshin, its surprisingly tame all things considered. With a pity of 90 that carries over progress between character banners that instantly makes the gacha system better than almost 99% of most gacha games, on the flip side the currency to actually do any pulls is very expensive, almost ridiculously so, with a 100 wishes costing you 150 Australian dollars and thats with the first time bonus which gives double the gems.

    Speaking of the gems, Genshin gives you a very good amount, with events giving you around 10 wishes each assuming you do your dailies alongside the event, (because event stuff is time gated, normally taking 4 or 5 days for everything to be available to complete, and you can most definitely farm up enough gems during a character banner to get the character on a banner even if you miss the 50/50.

    The characters are all fantastic, but levelling them is… A pain to say the least, especially characters that rely on a resource that isn't widely available on the map, (The character Heizou is a good example of this with his onikabuto's), so you'll need to either make alt accounts to farm world materials on or join other players worlds and take from their world.

    I would say that Genshin is a game best played on a casual level, its fun but the grind can be a pain if you don't know what your getting into, if you don't mind farming for hours and exploring every inch of the game world your going to do just fine though.

  2. If you like exploration games and jrpgs, then yes, you absolutely should at least give it a try. It's great. It has one of, if not *the*, best open world out there (and I've played a lot of open worlds). Though brace yourself for a lot of dialogue in good old jrpg fashion.
    Also… 1/2 of the review is about the monetization… really? You can sum it up easily: the gacha is entirely optional, and although the rates are low, it has pity systems in place making it easy to plan ahead and guarantee what you want. Also, the game will never push you into rolling. No annoying reminders typical to mobile games. No character gated content. No bs. As long as you don't have an addictive personality you'll be fine.

  3. 0:52 this statement is not entirely accurate, there are tons of 4 stars characters that are extremely good(some are even better than 5 stars), besides the game is not competitive at all so there arent a need to get strong characters, people mostly just get the characters they like. The 5 star characters are also not hard to get, i managed to get 8 limited characters being 100% f2p.


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