Is Genshin Impact in Trouble? Developer's Plans

This video goes over some unfortunate answers from Genshin’s Game Developers.

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00:00 Intro – Genshin Impact Developer Interview
00:55 Genshin Impact Patch 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 Patch Duration
01:47 Controversy Around Spiral Abyss and Genshin Endgame
03:30 The Truth About Gacha Games
04:46 Sources of Anxiety in Gacha Games
05:15 Genshin Community Concerns About Spiral Abyss & Endgame
05:57 What is Endgame Content?
07:44 Plans for Genshin Endgame Development
08:30 Primogems and Spiral Abyss Rewards
09:32 Genshin Combat System
10:34 Solutions for Endgame Combat Content in Genshin Impact
10:51 Upscaled Genshin Bounties
13:08 Labyrinth Warriors Event
13:32 Domains Dungeons and Instances
14:02 Endgame rewards and Primogems
15:50 Genshin Powercreep?
16:14 Dendro, Geo, and other elemental reactions
16:33 Increasing the Original Resin cap and refresh rate
17:40 Genshin Impact Cutscenes and Story
18:30 Costumes in Genshin
18:40 Cosmetics for Aether and Lumine?
19:04 Genshin Impact Corssover with Zenless Zone Zero, Honkai Impact 3rd, and Honkai Star Rail
19:52 Keep your expectations low but your standards high
20:20 What would you like to see in Genshin Impact?


#Genshin #GenshinImpact #RPG #Gacha #Twitch #CuteShark


40 thoughts on “Is Genshin Impact in Trouble? Developer's Plans”

  1. I couldn't deal with Genshin and I left 2 or so months ago. I didn't even played sumeru update
    I feel so much better now
    Looking back at it, I thought I won't be able to stop playing the games but as soon as I forced myself to stop playing, I realised I can live my life just fine without a game like Genshin.
    Due to my crippling anxiety problems as an engineering student with heavy workload I started escaping reality by playing games without going outside and it started to become a big problem for me. But two months ago, I had a deep conversation with myself and did changes in my future plans. Due to that I was able to solve a bit of my anxiety problems and was able to focus solely on my studies.
    I m glad I decided to quit gaming and It's been the biggest change in my life. Believe it or not one thing that pushed this decision was because of low internet speed and high ping😂
    Does anyone else have a similar experience with gaming in general?

  2. All the end-game content ideas that You talked about.
    I think it can be implemented in a private server.
    For the moment the End Game content is designed currently really only for pay-to-win Whales to be the playground for their boredom.

  3. The point about taking away dev time from other things is understandable. And your solutions would work. But also Genshin pulls in so much money, and that amount they continue to pull in has definitely helped them improve many parts of the game. So you can't tell me they wouldn't be able to hire more devs to create more endgame content

    Also the anxiety remark from them actually made me do a double take when I first read it. Genshin is a gacha, so much of the business model of gacha games are all about fomo and the anxiety that can bring, just like you said. Also someone having anxiety isn't fun, but you having anxiety because someone else can do something you can't do yet isn't a good reason at all to not implement more stuff

    Finally, the resin problem. Honestly I would really like a resin increase and earn more resin quicker. But as that seems unlikely hopefully they could at least increase the amount of fragile resin they give out. That could almost make up for it if they bumped up the amount of that given as a reward. Maybe start including 1 fragile resin in some quest rewards. They really are stingy with the fragile resin, so much to the point that getting 4 fragile resin as part of the anniversary gift this year was considered generous. Wild to me. But I guess technically compared to how much we usually get it is generous…

  4. If they were to make endgame combat based content like the spiral abyss that actually poses a challenge to even hardcore players, they should just NOT reward primos for completing it. Instead make the reward a name card or a glider, so that hardcore players can still have a sense of accomplishment and flex their new name card or glider, whilst at the same time “not causing excessive anxiety to casual players”.

  5. i start play this game like month ago but already figured out they don't give a fuck about combat side of game the moment i find out there are no equipment load out in game…. its 2 years in and we dont have that? and what good party slot do if i have to manually swap weapon/artifacts anyway

  6. LOL that original resin question..overall, I am disheartened and I'm considering going completely f2p or some version of it. I feel that FOMO hard when it comes to getting new characters and not being able to full star the abyss (I sit comfortably on Floor 11 right now) but this article and the fact that the newer characters coming out are getting more niche or need way more investment to even come close to older characters is making my decision clearer. I can put crap artifacts on version 1.0 4 stars and do fine but I can't do that on the newer ones. I'd rather build the characters I have now.
    Also the devs are full of it if they really wanted to curb player anxiety, they would do something about the things players feel the most anxiety about. We all know what that is. It's not spiral abyss.

  7. The interviewer only label "true endgame content" as spiral abyss. Like what op mention, there are many other end game content. When the community heard "no" to more spiral abyss they all flipped thinking there will be no other end game content. It's funny how we want harder content but easier route in game like more resin. We can't expect the game creators to make the game harder and easier at the same time. And I want to mention this is a open world game, there are players that are so casual that this is their first game ever. I have friends irl that don't play any games. They play genshin for the story content. Not to flex how powerful their characters are. Not saying there is anything wrong with harder content. But I believe hoyoverse is focused on maintaining their game to be more beginner friendly to play (because it took me 3 tries of tutorial within 2 yrs to pass it and actually play this game, it wasnt beginner friendly for me to start the game. I was not used to maintaining 4 characters at once). But it is true they need to pump out something for the older players to continue to play the game. So this is where the lore comes in. They are making an anime and unique events. This game is just not meant to be played so hard-core. I think we should respect what the game creators want their game to be like. No one single game can please everyone. So they choose the route to maintain things more casual and implement other new content like character lores and new card game. Let's take a moment to appreciate what they have done for us. And aren't we all bored of YouTube genshin creators ONLY talking about how "strong" or "weak" a character is in compared to the abyss? I rather watch more different content related to genshin.

  8. You put plain and clear you care not about content all of the ppl asking for more content is purely just to show off and /or flex on there viewers. Honestly I would love more content but not for ppl to be more of an AH than they already are about what you can do and what you can’t

  9. I don't really have a problem with them not adding more resin or more combat endgame content. Resin is used to limit progression and I think doing a domain 4-8 times is fine because it can get repetitive quickly. Having more combat endgame would be nice but I don't see that as necessary. My issue is the scaling of the open-world enemies. I feel like my characters are decently built but not great and yet they are still evaporating enemies in a few seconds. It genuinely makes me regret progressing my characters because I feel like I'm not even playing the game. As long as they alleviate that issue I don't care whether they change the scaling or add some form of combat endgame content instead.

    Also, their response about anxiety and not everyone being interested in Musk Reef was complete bs. I refuse to believe that no one at Hoyo thought of just not giving primos especially since it already has been done in teapot. Sure not everyone wants to do Abyss but not everyone wants to do teapot either yet it still gets content. And this content isn't just small additions like furniture. They get minigames, music, gardening, etc. Unless I'm completely misunderstanding what they mean it just seems like they don't care about their combat-focused player base.

  10. Since I had deinstalled the game for a bit over a year (got frustrated by the Gacha, lost every fifty fifty… still haven't won one…) I have content to no end and can almost not keep up. So I don't have to worry about more endgame content rn

  11. 🌸😌It certainly is an interview that does not bode well for Genshin betwixt the near future, betwixt the immediate, betwixt (possibly) the distant future.

    I cannot speak for others, but as a whale that has spent thousands and as a hardcore player, this interview was like that of a punch to the gut and has pushed me to Tower Of Fantasy as a main title.

    I shall still play every now and then, but my days of whaling on Genshin and it being the focal point of my current mobile experience, is over.😌🌸

  12. Now, as a SereniTea Pot main, if they would only reward us exclusive Tea pot Furnishing or even realms by climbing the spiral abyss, i would have 36stars it already.. but since then, i stopped doing it since ver. 2.0

  13. As a new player ive decided too just turn a blind eye too this cause i havent even gotten that far into the game anyways this has nothing to do with me but hahahaha sorry too all you 2 years plus players RIP

  14. Did anyone investigate the context surrounding this "interview"? Email correspondence with nameless, faceless, "developers," no attribution or binding info whatsoever, no roles, etc. The writer is a freelance "staff" with 24 articles and 200 Twitter followers at the time of writing. Notice the "answers" are never even labeled as "Hoyoverse," they ironically appear as a non-bolded continuation from "GameSpot:"

    Why is anyone treating this as an official announcement by Hoyoverse? Doesn't make sense, and it's a bad look for the content creators farming it IMO. (Not trying to call out you specifically)

  15. This is a cool and clear explanation of the issues surrounding Hoyo's future plans for the game. But as someone who is still afraid of world bosses even at AR 35, I think wanting a harder end-game content is not a priority for now. Lol. But I could see why long-term players are worried about this. I know I'll get there some time next year. But for now, nah. Fighting the Fatui is cumbersome enough. I still have not started fighting the Childe boss because my team level is too low for it. The game is advancing too quickly for me even though I play daily. Archon quests require higher team levels than the teams I currently have. Maybe I need to be more efficient in farming artifacts and ascension materials. I'll look further into that.

  16. Jupp I also was super sad that they don’t want to release more endgame fighting content. Just don’t force people to play it and nearly nobody would complain about it. I also was sad about that they didn’t plan to release more costumes but that’s probably because they a to pricey and maybe don’t sell good because of that. It is very unlikely that something like feature to challenge your Friends for a fight just for fun would be released but I would be happy to see small things like that.

  17. Your end game, combat content ideas made me hype up. I never thought such simple changes from present stuff could make a whole new content for us to spend our time.

    So sad that it will only live on my dreams😓

  18. As a new gamer the content is overwhelming….me and friends and relatives trying to reach to sumeru without being burn out. I appreciate devs taking it easy for us. The musket reef is pain not even reaching floor 9. It will be nice for the devs to compromise for both new gamers and veterans

  19. Thanks for making great points and showing the developer they are wrong while explaining it instead of just insulting them. I think the top Genshin streamers have done a great job of that so far so hopefully actual change can happen. Hoyoverse is being really narrow minded in my opinion. They captured a global audience.. this is their "Mario" and the GameStop article gave me the impression Hoyoverse does not mind if Genshin ends up in the trash.

  20. Thanks for going through the whole interview and clarifying the term of end game content. Many creators focused on the reason why end game combat is impt and it feels repeated so your vid is refreshing. I have nvr even thought of your suggestions lol but that sounds so fun and easy to do given the codings for it would already be there. Hope someone from the team would listen to your vid.

    Personally my thoughts on the interview with regards to combat endgame, resin cap and elemental reactions, is that while disappointing, is still doable from our end.

    By pacing yourself ingame, try out new team comps, basically setting goals to reach in genshin and the issues is not very noticiable since you'll be occupied with the goals set.

    But at the same time, given how combat is really central in genshin, I'm quite puzzled by why there's no endgame combat content. I still think what I suggested could help in it so I'm not so concerned with all the issues but at the same time, why do players need to be the one to think of ideas to deal with it?

    So, idk maybe now hoyoverse is thinking of ways for endgame content that is non-combat but in a couple years time when more of the player base is stronger, then more endgame combat system may be created. Really hoping eventually resin would replenish faster tho

  21. I just think it's impossible to satisfy everyone. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that they shouldn't consider your suggestions. But someone, somewhere, will always be disappointed that the team is working on a feature they don't care about.

    I'm not particularly fussed because Hoyo continues to make content I enjoy. I've never felt like I need to whale. I don't have to spend every day of my life glued to the game. And the character designs are so good. It's a high-quality game.

    I've played MMOs for 20 years now. And honestly, Genshin feels like the best balance of exploration, travel, combat, puzzle-solving, end game, and story. But I've also got ZERO expectations. I feel like too many whales place astronomical expectations on the game. And I get it. You're paying for it regularly. But you weren't ever promised anything. In my opinion, you made an investment thinking you would get exactly what you wanted. When I spend money on the game it's because I want a character I know I will probably use all the time. I don't expect anything outside of what I'm spending money on.

    And frankly, after years of WOW, SWTOR, ESO, and FFXIV, I firmly say that having zero expectations has allowed me to just enjoy what is there rather than becoming irrationally frustrated with developer decisions. Devs can't win in game design no matter what they do because audiences are so diverse. So, it makes no sense to spend my time frustrated about a game I have zero control over. Enjoy it, or don't. Best personal policy I've ever adopted.

  22. After 2 months I'm still not done exploring all there is to find.
    There's a truth to there being a content wall but it's more a less only affecting content creators not the casual player's.
    Because its easy to hit that wall when you're forced to rush through everything that's "new" in a timely fashion.

  23. I think this is a pretty big misstep by Mihoyo.

    The problem with hypostatic symphony was that it was put in place not that long after the game's release. If i recall, it was during 1.2. Which happened in Dec. 2020. Only three months after the game's release. Even for those who started at launch, I imagine that hypostatic symphony was a huge challenge since it takes quite a while to get a viable team built up and geared properly when you're first starting out and short on materials. Unless you're a whale.

    For me, it was impossible to do at that time. I'd just started playing toward the end of the dragonspine regisvine event. But i understood that if i worked at it and invested my time, I'd eventually be able to complete whatever the game threw at me. Just like in any other game. So i built up characters to 36 star abyss and ready myself for the future. Now it seems there's not much of a future. But it was a fun experience.

    It seems as though the people who complain about certain events being too hard in this game have really never played other video games before, and don't understand that in 99% of other games you can't just start out and complete every part of the game without putting in effort and getting stronger.

    It's too bad that Mihoyo caters to the players that don't seem to understand working toward a goal. While those of us who have worked toward making our characters stronger really don't get any rewards for our efforts. They used to give namecards as the highest rewards. Now you just get some enhancement ores or something.

  24. They literally just said 'go fck yourselves' to players who actually bothered to reach endgame status and burned time into character building for 2 straight years. So essentially the people who were truly dedicated get the shit end of the stick. Great job Hoyo. That's their true 2nd anniversary gift

  25. they want to remove the old players because they can't milk them anymore and then, they've successfully brainwash those white knights who are willing to spend even if it's small amount

  26. rotating mini dungeon completion requirements for all their old unused 1 time clear dungeons. might be something. but i don't really feel like giving this much thought. im too busy to spend a whole bunch of time on genshin

  27. I don't think not getting new harder content is not necessary bad.
    Firstly, people complains alot about the game being to easy when some says its too hard, but just think about it: how many people played the abyss. How many good through floor 8. How many can get to floor 12 full star. How many can confidentally say that they can 36 stars floor 12 every version. They have these kind of information, so they have to make it so that new player (aka new source of money) have a good time and at least stick with the game for a while. Also that, for whoever the one that used to play Pokemon once, why would you still train you Pokemon eventhough you have complete the game ?
    Secondly, giving to much reward when you reach 36 stars is a double-edge sword. In this hand, it may encourage people to keep grinding. In the other hand, it will limit new players for that price which only means they have to spend so much time into the grind and that would be boring as heck. Also, if they give out to many reward, their revenue would somewhat decrease.
    Thirdly, this game has somewhat a serious problem with balancing constelation and 5 stars weapon. Even Mihoyo once said that they don't add PvP in just because players would just one-shot each other. This means that making harder content may encourage players to spend into the game, something that Mihoyo don't realy want. Of course, they always want to make money (they are still a company and have hundreds of employee, that make sense) but they want players spend their REAL LIFE, HARD WORKING MONEY to support the company, not just to make their character stronger. Also that they cannot solve the problem of children taking their parent's money to spend into the game.
    Fourthly, considering it took them so much time for the world building, story writing and events to sastify most of the players thirst of content, I feel like this is alright.
    One more thing, this game was meant to be an openworld action RPG, which focus alot about world exploration and rich storyline, not a fast pace action game like Honkai Impact 3rd. Think about it, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild doesn't even have some thing "abyss" like, I think this is totally fine.
    Thats all I need to say about this (I guess).

  28. I hope that hoyoverse(they are prob in disguise looking at creators) REALLY take in these tips from content creators like him so that Genshin will have less media drama and generally make it enjoyable. If they do, we will see them in Version 3.4


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