Is Genshin Impact Becoming Too Easy?

Is Genshin Impact Becoming Too Easy?



I love playing Genshin Impact, especially on stream, so feel free to come and watch the story unfold with us!


#GenshinImpact #BranOnline #miHoYo


31 thoughts on “Is Genshin Impact Becoming Too Easy?”

  1. This was filmed a day before the 4.1 livestream just as a heads up to some of the points made! Also please watch the actual video before commenting specifics! This is a broad topic and the points in the video are covered about the specifics in the Dev Discussion pre-4.1

  2. Bro
    If they don't want to increase our resin cap
    At least for the love of the god increase it's RECHARGE takes 24h to fully recharge(for once).

    On the other side in HSR , When we had 180 resins ,it would fully recharge twice in 24h(almost twice).

    Dude, what is wrong with dev bro
    I'm dying because of their cringe work.

  3. To me it's still incredibly baffling how the developers keep focusing on very minor things (at an insanely slow pace, might i add), meanwhile what little important upgrade they decide to introduce is just a sidegrade at best 90% of the time (not solving the actual issue).

  4. Idk abt yall but ascension domain was definitely hard for me back then. I could only get pass the final level after 2 years of playing. However I was casual player and did not care abt building my chars back then😅

  5. The amount Genshin earns and the amount spent on QoL is just not there if it's just a matter of they wanna earn more skins is a valid option but no they don't even want that like what does one expect from Genshin? exploration quality but that's already fine (story and few stuff is included here) their other games receive all sorts of Good changes that actually people want but Genshin oh what's that and hold your horses before you start defending hoyo i do spend money in past year i have spent 3k but now that the game is getting tailored for Newbies and less skilled I just don't think I should've gone for constellation even tho i liked those characters hoyoverse is rather spending time on mini games in my honest opinion just sucks I'd rather just fight it out in artifacts domain and call it a day rather than doing photography,tea ceremony,bartending,baby sitting, balloon popping like I don't want that I'd rather appreciate events related to exploration like one we had in enkanomiya a patch wide event that actually makes sense but nope not gonna happen

  6. I’m still leveling my account, but I’m a person who gets nervous/scared easily. And whenever I do Ascension Quests, I always, ALWAYS over worry and I’m like "oh.. well I worried about nothing 💀" once I’m done with it LMAO. I did had to restart the World Level 4+5 (I skipped World 4 because lotta leftover XP) but I was fine. So, as someone who felt pretty behind on character progressions I agree that making the Ascension Quests easier was.. pretty dumb lol

  7. I don’t think we necessarily need a resin increase— though having it match HSR would be great at least. I think the issue is more so its refresh rate. It should be cut in half.

    Also my 14 year old with crappy builds / purple artifacts and who mains Keqing made it through the second highest ascension domain in one go with no repeat necessary. It doesn’t need to be made easier. Lol

  8. As someone who started in Nov of 2022, I personally haven't done the A4 quest because I know my characters aren't prepared for the WL increase from it, even though I managed to get through with LVL 70 characters, I wasn't about to be a fool and kill off the last boss.

    Even when I was lower lvl, it wasn't that hard? a little frustrating, but you just needed to dodge and learn the enemy attacks, for example, I had characters at LVL 27 and finished the ascension domain that had LVL 35 enemies

    Also, regardless of them removing enemies from the AR quests, they'll learn quickly that the enemies got tougher once their WL increases

  9. I did fail the first ascension quest 3 times but i don’t think making it easier is better. I didn’t have any talents leveled. probably good to add that to the book.
    I was able to realize what i was doing wrong earlier and my experience was better for it.
    Would be nice if there was an optional world level increase were the bosses hit like they do in abyss and those that want a rpg challenge can have one. I am AR 57 and my characters feel like they hit to hard in the world and it is too easy and i go to the abyss and get deleted. 😓

  10. the typical loud and vocal minority of any game community (hate me if you want, but that's the fact)

    people tend to forget that the game has millions of players globally, but the ones that are very vocal about the game on twitter rants, hoyolab, etc, are like idk, couple of thousands? it's basically every game playerbase ever

  11. I don’t know the enemy names I call them
    Angry elemantal trees
    Sentient tetris
    Frog dragon
    Water nun
    Debt collector
    Puppet with sword
    Transformer puppet
    Wicked weave of the forest

  12. What if they added another AR level which added more chests randomly around the map with boss / waves of creatures to fight to unlock them. It would make me want to go back to areas I have already 100% explored to find them.

  13. I don't think it actually matters if they make the ascension domains easier, the jump in difficulty at whatever world level comes at ar35 is a big enough kick in the nuts that the general recommendation for progression is to basically skip that entire world level and the one after it. Also, the bare minimum change they need to make with resin is to at least remove the condensed cap, having to leave domains every 5th run is mind numbing.

  14. NGL when they say these requests "were made by the majority of the players", I have been kinda doublting that ever since I participated in hoyoverse beta tests….
    Like, I was part of Star Rail's CBT2 and we got a dedicated CBT2 chatroom in the official discord and literally everybody all the time was complaining about being unable to cancel your Ultimate…

    And then towards the end of the CBT period, they released a "Top 10 most requested features/fixes" based on feedback, and it wasn't even there….

  15. I can see the Ascension quest becoming easier both ways. Yes we don't want them to becoming to easy, but as an electro main myself, it is a pain in the rear. My highest hitting DPS character is electro, so against the electro hypostasis it is difficult. I purposely sit on the Ascension quest for months on end, and only do them when I have characters somewhat built that can battle against electro, and even then they're not as heavy as hitters as my electro main. I can't count how many times it took me using food buffs for me to complete those quests, because my pyro characters weren't doing enough damage in the time limit.

    I forgot to mention, that I'm a casual player. Casual players makeup the majority of the community, and we tend to stay quiet most of the time.

  16. I'm still so fucking mad about the ascension quest thing…
    That's fucking disgusting, what about ALL the players that did it ??? We got through it because we were ready, omfg it's not our fault or even the game's fault if some ppl just wanted to charge head first into the ascension quest and then came crying about how "hard" it was when really, once you know the mechanics, you can clear the domain in 5 minutes, and I'm not even exaggerating, I literally cleared my first ascension domain on my 2 account in 5 minutes chrono, because I was ready and I knew the mechanics anyways.
    Almost everyone knows that you can just skip the small mobs and just head straight to the timed challenges or rooms that you can't skip ffs
    I'm mad as hell because it's unfair.
    And it's also unfair to the new players that are gonna run into problems as soon as they're done with the ascension quest because they just weren't ready to begin with…
    What even is fun about going through content super fast???? Is it to make even MORE "players" complain about the "lack of content bouh bouh" ???
    I don't get it, and I'll still be pissed about it in a LONG while I believe.
    If they wanna do some changes about the AR system, why not, oh, I don't know, give us a fucking WORTHY reward for passing months on a fucking AR because of the IMMENSE amount of EXP you need after AR 56?????
    "Oh, here you go, after all this time and those efforts you put into getting to that level, here, 3 blue wishes, because you happiness is ours and we wanted to reward you for your hard work :D"
    F u.
    Really, the unfairness is at it's peak.
    It's clearly the Gordon Ramsay meme
    "To lower AR players : Oh dear, oh dear, gorgeous!"
    "To higher AR players : You fuckin donkey"

  17. in all honesty I feel like having it too easy is the price you have to pay if you spend. However I feel like they shouldn’t make it “easier” unless if they are talking about spiral cause f2p can’t get those primos in the 12th floor

  18. Personally, I welcome any improvements to the game, and there are salvage things in this. The thing is, some of these aren't really issues 😅 It's not even REMOTELY any of the stuff that the community has been wanting them to review for so long.

    To me it seems they are focusing way too much in the new players. Endgame is pretty much dead…

  19. I'm going to be so honest. that first AR 25 ascension domain was so hard for me that I gave up on it, couldn't progress the story, and stopped playing for two years. I think making that very first one a little easier is a good move to allow for more progression tbh. Once I finished it, I levelled up to AR 32- that's how much exp I had accumulated before I could manage to finish the domain! Maybe not everyone needs help, but specifically that first ascension domain was extremely difficult for me and I do not begrudge them making it easier for other players.


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