Is Ganyu Still Worth Using In 3.0? | Genshin Impact

Is Ganyu Still Worth Using In 3.0?

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Ganyu The OG Cryo Queen: 0:00
Ganyu Original Power: 1:02
How Dendro Affected Ganyu: 4:42
Ganyu Pros & Cons: 8:10
Should You Still Pull Ganyu in 3.0?: 10:56

Is Ganyu Still Worth Using In 3.0?
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31 thoughts on “Is Ganyu Still Worth Using In 3.0? | Genshin Impact”

  1. Idk man I still used my old ass ayaka freeze team and hutao e spam team for this abyss and 36 stars. Easy.
    I don't need Ganyu but idk she dodged me twice..makes me wanna pull her.

  2. Until dendro reactions can out damage potential melt Ganyu or mono cyro Ganyu (Shenhe + VV shred), I'd hardly say that dendro nerfed Ganyu. Also the CC ability + benefits of Perma freeze is far better than what dendro can offer right now when in comparison to the old school Morgana team. Ganyu might be boring to play but she's undoubtedly still one of the top strongest DPS units in the game with access to some of the strongest reactions. Dendro is fun but not nearly as strong plus getting all EM artifacts is far harder to do than gearing up a C0 Ganyu with Prototype Crescent so much lower investment for far better results.

  3. Nerf… Isn't particularly the right word here. I don't think she got "nerfed", she just doesn't fit in any of the new dendro teams but her previous teams are still some of the top performing teams in the game. If the patch didn't make a character fit on their supposed "meta", that doesn't make the character "nerfed". Unless mihoyo literally changed something from her kit, that isn't nerfing.

  4. Okay so I've been looking at alot of these ganyu vids but nobody is really touching on if she is worth pulling if you already got lucky on standard banner and got an Amos bow. Does it make her a must have?

  5. If Burning wasn’t nerfed from the beta, Melt Ganyu would probably be even stronger than what it already is. When someone says “Dendro nerfed Ganyu/Ganyu fell off because Dendro”; why are they not saying the same for Ayaka?

    Ganyu is the reason I’m 36 starring Abyss since I got her, before Dendro and After its release

  6. I'm torn between who to summon for between Ganyu and Kokomi. Atm I have enough primos to probably go for both of them but I want to save some for Cyno and definitely the Dendro Archon so I still don't know what to do.

    I have Ayaka already so I have the ice dps box checked off but Ganyus still been one of the units near the top of my most wanted units list.

    However I feel Kokomi would be overall better for my account since her heals would be great for Abyss and with Dendro probably getting a decent amount of new units her hydro application would be a great addition as well. Guess I better decide soon since the banners are nearly here.

  7. Hello! I have ayato and i would like to make a freeze comp using ganyu and ayato, what do you think about it? Thanks for your content, it is always really useful

  8. You lose so much dps , Ganyu isn't like any other dps , ye you get your 55k hit but you could be shooting 3-4 hits meantime before all your rotations occured.
    I could probably get naked lvl 0 artifact sucrose with Dragonslayerbook , Ganyu and Diona.
    Simply switch to sucrose , throw one E , switch to Ganyu and start charging shots all time, shield from Diona when needed , you cast too many unnecessary shit lowering your dps.

  9. All these grown adults relying on using clickbait titles to make a few bucks just makes me sad for their parents
    Instead of wasting all that time and money raising a useless piece of shit, they could have just got another dog instead


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