Is Diluc Still Good… or OUTDATED? (Genshin Impact)

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Now that Diluc New Skin is finally out, I’ve been hearing a lot lately that Diluc is outdated or powercrept by Hu Tao (and to some extent Yoimiya). Well… I wanted to figure this out on my own and answer the question – is Diluc still good in 2022? I am going to dig deep and answer some questions like f2p diluc – is this even a real thing or Diluc vs Hu Tao.

Oh and I also, you’re probably wondering is Diluc skin worth it. Well, stick till the end of the video to find out!

Diluc new Skin called Red Dead of Night has been released in Genshin Impact 2.8
This is a 5-star outfit for Diluc (or diluc skin or diluc costume) and because of this new addition, I talk about Diluc dps and Diluc power level in the current meta.

Genshin Impact

All footage produced by Gacha Gamer.

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31 thoughts on “Is Diluc Still Good… or OUTDATED? (Genshin Impact)”

  1. As much as I like Diluc because of his backstory, I am not that fond of playing him. He carried me through most of my early game sure, but I personally don't like playing claymore characters, Itto being the only current exception. No offense to anyone, it is just my personal opinion. I still love him as a character though, he's even voiced by one of my fav VAs, Kensho Ono.
    Still, I am well aware that people like to play him and that he is still decent. And I think he is one of the best characters for newbies.

  2. That's why you should never listen to people reviewing Diluc who has Hutao. Diluc's strongest kit is that, you will get him from losing in 50/50 XD
    And if you have Diluc you can prioritize getting other element types of main dps.

  3. I want to like Diluc, but Yoimiya was my first actual Pyro Main DPS, and by the time I started building Diluc, I also have Hu Tao, who I only recently learned how to use effectively (though mainly against bosses).

    I like the fact that Diluc is less risky than both Yoimiya and Hu Tao, but I haven't been able to get the DPS I want with my Diluc (maybe I built him wrong; the video did say that the fish isn't very suitable for him, and that's exactly what I equip on him).

  4. Glad you mentioned his almost useless passive. I would love it if MHY would rebalance old characters, but considering how niche newer characters can be I seriously doubt they've considered doing so.

  5. He's fun to play, but it feels like he's outdated I supposed, especially when he's competing against someone with the likes of Yoimiya, Xiangling, or Hu Tao, he's good if you have no good Pyro dps, you can also argue that Xiangling is also there since you have early access to her in early game (finish Floor 3 of Spiral Abyss iirc), again he's fun to play but playing the game for fun and playing the game for meta or min maxing a character's powers are two different things

  6. Diluc has been my main dps since ar 37, (i had to bench Razor immediately) and I still haven't changed that. I use him with Benny, Raiden and Childe (for vape comps and faster er% with buff atk) and a pretty average CW set. I do not care much for 36* the abyss, but I do have a LOT of fun playing Diluc. Never got hu tao or yoimiya, so I triple crowned him and never once regretted it. all hail Mondstadt's Batman.

  7. Problem with Diluc is that he is hard to get, there was never his banner, playing since day 1 , never pulled Diluc and Jean, while units who powercrept them are obtainable via banner

  8. Diluc was never a fun to play character. Unga bunga ape who's making you sleep in place. Also understated in comparison to newer carries. He's dead.

  9. It puts me in a good mood to hear others play Cookie Run Kingdom, a game much more generous, engaging, full of near endless stuff to do and characters over what Genshin has to offer…

    1:43 "as a community we grew a lot since the old days."

    The growth of the community…(not everyone, but you know what I'm getting at.)
    Genshin Twitter exists
    Complaints about resin.
    Complaints about skin color for characters.
    Complaints about anniversary rewards.
    Threatening the lives of voice actors for no reason other than attention and clout.
    Harassing artist.
    Harassment of Genshin Youtubers
    Complaining about straight couples in Genshin while wanting same-sex couples even though there are no confirmed couples in the game…
    It all continues to grow and get worse.
    Leonardo DiCaprio laugh meme

    Diluc is a solid unit. There are people who still rightfully use him up to this day regardless of what the meta says. His place in the meta should only be for Spiral Abyss. However though, Spiral Abyss doesn't have to always be a damn focus for each character in the game and it's one of the reasons I always avoid this game's "meta". Too much focus on big damage numbers and how fast you can demolish everything with only the "best" units, artifacts and weapons available over the other aspects of the game like casual world exploration, world enemies, messing around in your teapot with your friends or rp'ing with them, questing and so on. Yeah whatever I get that this bores many players because they want a challenge, but thankfully not everyone enjoys wanting to clear difficult crap with the best of what's to offer over just playing causally, but then again just some challenge is still welcome for casual play. Diversity in gaming and such. I missed out on getting Diluc when he was around during his very first run, but now I him at C2 and I'm not looking forward to optimizing him for "big damage numbers" since he's a 5-star that needs time for building correctly.

    Slightly wrong about Diluc's charge attack. His charge attack doesn't do a lot of damage obviously, but it has the longest and fastest combo string out of his basic dull 4 hit combo and I use it a lot. Beidou does the same thing and it's always satisfying watching greatsword users like them use lengthy and flashy combos and to see them knock their enemies away at the end of the string as their stamina depletes.

  10. Diluc is a character that I absolutely love and use still! He has amazing moves and the damage is always reeeaaaally good. Like I have built him well and he does the 3rd biggest damage after Ayaka and Raiden

  11. my team is diluc, kaeya, bennett and kazuha. idc if it's good or not i have fun with it.
    also i barely care about big numbers and arent too interested in the abyss due to rewards being meh

  12. I’m not sure to build him, I have no real pyro DPS and had to use a lvl 70 Yanfei this abyss, sure I got my 36* but I struggled in a long time. I have a C1 diluc. Not sure if I build him or not…

  13. In terms of reworking characters, in Honkai, there are augments and Divine Keys that change a character's playstyle. They're used to make old battlesuits meta again. I'm sure Genshin will get something like that, but it may take a few years

  14. Two years ago after amber Lisa kaeya then diluc quest I was like yea he is perfect give him to me but the game was like never give this man his diluc and since then I always visit his home to buy some wine and in monstad littke chat with lady above flora store about him

  15. Ever since I pulled him I play him for raw dmg with benny Kazu and Zhong, and wtv floor MHY throws at that team i can SMACK everything in a single rotation when done correctly, although I do have a 2p crimson 2p shime and using The Unforged, sitting at 2300 atk, 69CRate195CDmg, and ever since I started using that setup, there isn't an Abyss I can't 36star


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