Is Charlotte A Good 4* Character? | Kit Analysis

An analysis of how good Charlotte is in Genshin Impact, and how she compares to other characters in the same slot


Affiliated to Yomiholic


20 thoughts on “Is Charlotte A Good 4* Character? | Kit Analysis”

  1. most important questions: how does the icd on her skill work? is the icd shared with her normal attacks? does it even have icd? healing is nice but the icd question is a million times more relevant because forward melt teams still arent a thing.

  2. Please do look into ayaka, furina , Charlotte synergy aswell

    Since the rotation times do match . For someone that doesn't have shenhe kokomi

    Could this now be better that Layla mona cuz more freeze time which mona doesn't give you

  3. Not sure how important this is but I thought it was funny .. her skill is a damaging ability and her burst heals based off her attack but looking at leaks she has the 4th lowest base attack at 173

  4. Wanna unlock godmode? Use nahida, barbara, any shielder and raiden shogun. First apply shield, theb nahida elemental, finally raiden elemental and switch do barbara to nuke all enemies, extra bonus godly mode if you use barbara's elemental


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