I was SO WRONG about genshin impact's fontaine update

I decided I will afterall give genshin impact 4.0 fontaine update a go for reasons I give in this video.

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40 thoughts on “I was SO WRONG about genshin impact's fontaine update”

  1. I don't know, I find the game barely playable due to the poor urban planning and multiple OSHA violations in each region. They really needed to hire professional city planners, traffic engineers, various historians, experienced architects, and commercial builders to truly create an immersive world but failed miserably at this. However I have to continue because I will die without Lisa.

  2. yeah. Femboys are the future anyway + who doesnt like swiming around and watching fishes do the same?
    I hope they will implement underwater fishing that I will enjoy as much as underground one!

  3. Some people just don’t get satire do they lmao
    But then again I think the Genshin "enjoyers" just read a negative title, make a dumb comment and don’t even watch the video


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