I finally made Itto and Noelle my most cracked characters on this account.
My biggest problem using these two was only ever having one husk artifact set, but not anymore. I always had to swap the same husk of opulent dreams set onto the two of these characters when playing them. Now I don’t have to do that anymore. I’ll crown Noelle soon… I still need resistance books…
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genshin impact 4.3
cant wait
We need more geo enjoyers
If you wanna use noelle with furina, why not going on hunter arts set 🤔🤔
free crit ratio worth it
5:17 never let bro speak Japanese ever again 💀
2:57 i actually seen a youtuber once that was able to get crit rolls most of the time according to him you have a better chance getting the stats you desire by feeding pieces that don't have stats you want to roll into
Mika is great honestly. I use him with Ningguang on a challenge account I have and he really helps out with her slow attack speed 😌
Mika does not work with Itto's CAs, unless otherwise specified Atk speed always refers to NAs. Itto boosts his own atk speed as he charges, it's part of his kit.
very good to see more geo appreciation 😌 it’s my second favourite element behind anemo, i love me some unga bunga