I turned Itto and Noelle into Teyvat's BIGGEST threats | genshin impact

I finally made Itto and Noelle my most cracked characters on this account.

My biggest problem using these two was only ever having one husk artifact set, but not anymore. I always had to swap the same husk of opulent dreams set onto the two of these characters when playing them. Now I don’t have to do that anymore. I’ll crown Noelle soon… I still need resistance books…


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11 thoughts on “I turned Itto and Noelle into Teyvat's BIGGEST threats | genshin impact”

  1. 2:57 i actually seen a youtuber once that was able to get crit rolls most of the time according to him you have a better chance getting the stats you desire by feeding pieces that don't have stats you want to roll into


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