I tried out a whale's account on Genshin Impact…

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The meme is finally dead, I finally got Diluc… on a whale’s account. I try out a viewer’s account who has happened to spend alot of money on Genshin Impact. We try out C6 Diluc and even C6 Klee, characters who I never tried for the first time. We use the account to even try out spiral abyss to see how well we can clear it.

Once you feel the power of a Genshin Impact whale, there is no going back. The F2P damage cannot compare to the power of Constellations on characters. Not only that, but all R5 weapons? Insane.

Not the biggest Genshin impact whale ever, but one of them for sure. Thank you to the person who let me use their account for fun on stream! Playing around with it was very different and exciting with how much damage it does.

But remember, don’t spend too much cause this was only achieved with MONEY. So use your money responsible.

editor: https://twitter.com/TB_JPG
Outro: Blood Drain (again) – Vocal Version
#GenshinImpact #Whale #Akron #C6


41 thoughts on “I tried out a whale's account on Genshin Impact…”

  1. You think this is crazy? Enviosity did an account review of a whale so big that he has literally every character in the game at C6 with all of their best in slot weapons, both 4-star and 5-star, at R5.


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