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Information: The soundtrack is used for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. All credits for the song(s) go to artist(s)/label(s).
super super excited for her to be released !! shes so cool and i’m almost finished preparing materialsss hope you get her !!
hu tao genshin impact
I will skip hu tao's banner cuz her banner sucks. I wont get her anyways and will only get the bad 4 stars I HATE. Skip .
I am GETTING hu tao, no doubt about it… I hope
I have guaranteed pity but I don't think I'll be able to reach pity by the time she comes. I'll only have like 20 wishes or so and I'd have to have insane luck to get her. If I don't get her I'll save for a Zhongli rerun 😅💛
Really hope I win 50/50
I was more excited for xinqiu when I saw him chilling at the side like I wouldnt notice
I have an 100% chance of getting an event banner character, only problem is that I gotta resist Keqing and Hu tao so Venti could come home
Ok atleast there is xinqiu but for me i still want her 😥
Hutao hutao hutao
I- I don't even know if I can have many primogem for her… I want her and I know.
Im prepared for hu tao, by SHEER coincidence I pulled keqing after xiao on the XIAO banner so I ended up with a Keqing sitting in my box (lol like pokemon) and a guaranteed hu tao pity. Hype hype
hu tao will turn me into a whaler and a p2w
How do you do a Hu Tao giveaway–?
i need ur build for diluc man
2 weeks sure is long-
when will keqing banner be gone?
finally a hu tao leak video witch lengh and ads Its less than 10 👍
that banner image was photoshopped, someone made a speculation on the banner and decided to make a banner image on it
I got Jean on Ke Qing banner and I’m set to get Hu tao 100% guaranteed, I wish everyone who loves Hu tao so much like me will get her ❤️
YES Noelle I’ve had her c1 since October, finally I can aim for c6
if Rosaria is not in the banner, I will skip nutcracker HuTao
Me when hu Tao banner is out: honey it’s time to abuse you
My wallet: yes honey…
If anyone doesn’t know, & if this makes anyone feel better—
I was very annoyed that Keqing got her own banner at first, because I simply didn’t understand why she would get her own banner when she is not a character that goes away.
But this is what made me actually feel better about it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the reason why Keqing was threw up is because she is a Liyue character, so she fits in the theme— but the MAIN reason is that Hu Tao is supposedly the head of the Funeral Parlor in Liyue.
Talking about death, or even having anything remotely close to something that is affiliated with death during the New Year is not a good thing. So until the Latern Rite is finished, that is when Hu Tao is supposed to go live!
If I’m wrong, please correct me. But as far as I know, this is why we did not get Hu Tao yet. 🙂
Is Hu tao coming first or Venti? My friend is trying to convince me that Venti is coming first but I hardly believe since her weapon is boosted currently…
Before she was a 4 star, I can’t believe miHoyo made her a 5 star, I really wanted her as a F2P.
I didn't get keqing now but I did get qiqi, meaning the next 5 star character I will get in case hutao the next character banner, is hutao
Nice! It's on my birthday im gonna turn 15 when she come out
Who is next after hu tao? that charecter is gonna be most likely my next 5 star charecter
I don't have any chance in getting her so that's why I'm farming a lot of primogems. currently I have 5000+ so hopefully I'll be able to get at least one five star character from the pity system. 😅
Time to spend all my life savings for a C3-C6 hu Tao
Yes I will spend all my money for a prankster
I doubt i can get her with a pity of 46 and only 16 wishes worth of primos
Hu tao giveaway u say 👀👀👀👀 presses sub button
God damn it not another childe I have that dude don't get me wrong he's op but after his e he is kinda okish during that time I guess I'll use her btw my event banner pull is 73 hope I'll get her at 75 or 76
I got Mona on albedo's banner so thankfully I'll get hu tao
I’m such an idiot I want hu tao but I spent primos on keqing 🙁