I Reviewed This INSANE Whale Account In Genshin Impact

I reviewed this insane whale account in Genshin Impact…WOW!!!


I’m an official Genshin Impact Partner and I stream over on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and witness the madness!

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34 thoughts on “I Reviewed This INSANE Whale Account In Genshin Impact”

  1. The mad thing is not he have everything. The mad thing is he friendship lv10 all char, lv90 all char, lv90 all weapon, all talent is 9 or higher, just missed 2 achievement and over 2k5 archive. U know how much time u must spend to have all of that. He not just a whale he also a maddess one

  2. im something similar all my chars (i got all from that point) are friendship 10 (except xilonen rn shes 8) lv 80 or higher with talents at least 6/8/8 or on base attackers the base is 8. i almost have the 4 star weapons but not all are lv 90 but surely not all 5 star weapons.

  3. Hello, i have just started the game and don’t know anything but i just did some wished around 11 from some gems(dont know name) and got nine, 3star weapons, 1 four star maid and a five star girl name qiqi or something is this good or i am at bad position now, like those wish coins were needed to be used somewhere else

  4. This is pre Natlan right? Because there are definitely more achievements in the game than 1241. I know because i am currently at exactly 1241. And i miss at least half the achievements for the card game and I know i miss some hidden ones.


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