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in genshin impact, there are a few characters that are often “overrated by genshin community, maybe
this video is my personal opinion don’t make angry comment madge
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I agree except for Ganyu and HuTao. Both are really really good characters. Melt Ganyu is brutal doing about 80-120k dmg per melt crit charged shot in aoe damage, that's insane. Also her ult is brutal when paired with Venti and Mona and when there are lots of enemies. Hu Tao's on the other hand is the best pyro dps right now. So easy to build, you can use those crap artifacts with hp% on then, she will be very happy with those, and her damage in single target is, imo, unmatched. Rith now, the aoe is important, but a lot of the trials in abyss are single target bosses, like the mechanical serpent, the dendro chicken, electro regisvine, and in the past there alo were a lot like the cryo hypostasis, maguu kenki, etc, so surely she is and will continue to be very very useful.
I Disagree 🙂
I don't know how to subscribe
Now do a video and tell us who is a must have 4*(C0-6) and 5*
As much as I love Yelan I kinda agree, before I got lucky with pulling Aqua I was kinda underwhelmed and she was doing roughly the same damage as my XQ but with less utility but dear god with Aqua she's instantly became one of my best units. Her damage literally doubled with Aqua and I can basically use her as a main dps if I want to even at c0.
But if I said Xiangling…
From this video, I understand tenten doesn’t have much game understanding. There are several category of evaluation. I have a whale account with c6 and a challenge account with c0 and ar35(only for abyss). Understanding of zhongli is kinda off. Zhongli is not a must have, but you can’t play some popular team comp at your convenience if he is not in the team. When we hit AR 58-59, we can no brain abyss like a walk in the park, damage output is not anything. Abyss speed run is not everything(interestingly ganyu, his overrated character dominates the speed run). But he is right on one thing, in a speed run, zhongli is a negative character, even ult with 100k raw damage. the team can output more during that ult animation.
Yelan issue is like Bennett. You won’t hear people complain about c0 Benny because most people have them at c1 and higher. But we do hear people complain about c0 yelan energy recharge. That’s because yelan is a complete character at c1. In a hutao team, xingqiu is only good because of zhongli. His skill makes shield 80% tankier. Damage wise, yelan is way higher due to the damage increase of the passive.
And for kokomi, what you say is mostly right, but on that hydro application. Kokomi application duration is 2x the duration of mona. And she can reset the skill with her ult. This sort of convenience out shine mona by too much, especially when we have enough damage. Not to mention the new character nilou. Kokomi is a very good fit.
as a kokomi main I don’t disagree with anything you said about her other than the main point that she’s overrated; I still see so much hate for her kit to this day and at least in the casual player community I’ve never seen anyone say she’s a must-pull. As I said, I love kokomi and honestly I don’t see her as a must-pull even though I personally have used her every day since I got her over a year ago, but I still don’t think “overrated” will ever be an accurate descriptor for her.
please do the underrated characters tier list
Weird. A c0 Yelan with a three star bow deals as high as a c6 Xingqiu with r5 Jade cutter, yet Xingqiu is better according to the community, lol.
From my perspective, Yelan and Xingqiu is more of like a Rosaria vs Shenhe situation. Both of them play the same role as a support. Shenhe will make your main dps stronger while Rosaria provides cryo battery and overall team damage with her burst. Yelan will make your party stronger with her passive, plus more flexible than Xingqiu because of how Xingqiu's burst works. Yelan's burst will work every single time you try to do a normal attack unlike Xingqiu. Xingqiu on the other hand will provide damage plus protection.
Oh and ye, I don't see Xingqiu winning anytime against Yelan except when c6. Also the term "It's easy to get a 4 star character to c6" isn't really a great reason anymore. Why? There's so much 4 stars now in the character pool that it's extremely hard to get the constellation of the character you want.
git gud
I'd say most of the characters on this list are pretty good. Not amazing, not horrible, just pretty good.
So, Same Conculsion from the many many previous Video. Just go with Xiangling and National Team lol, dont spend any Single primos
Kazuha should have absolutely been on this list, yet you put him in the thumbnail as clickbait. Kind of a dick move and why I’ll happily stay unsubscribed.
As a new player, I'm fully aware that my love for playing Zhongli is reducible to a skill issue. I don't care, I don't play this game for skill expression, much better games out there for doing that and I play them. Happy to play Genshin as a casual baby and have fun.
I think this list totally depends on the circles you run in. If referring to casual players than I don’t have any disagreements but if your only exposure to genshin stuff is the tc community then holy shit characters like Eula are shit on so consistently they could be considered underrated lmao.
I literally stopped the vid after he mentioned Yelan being overrated. Tbh, I think the theorycrafting community completely ignores or devalues Yelan and excessively worships the ground XQ walks on. They’re like the Sumeru sages who deny the existence of Kusanali because they simp for Rukkadevata. All I hear is how every team comp needs XQ (without any mention of Yelan ever despite their insistence that she is “5 Star XQ”) when I just find him clunky to use. People just really like to dismiss Yelan’s movement skill’s ability to traverse the field fast and slightly group enemies towards her. She’s just so much more intuitive to use and her ramping damage bonuses and the hydro resonance perk make her such a deadly character in mono hydro comps.
Can’t win if you’re dead. Also, I ain’t got time to sweat for my 36 stars, Zhongli support for me.
For someone with such obvious skill issues to be talking about overrated characters is a bit of an irony. FYI Yelan was rated very highly by another skillful YouTuber who managed to clear spiral abyss with shit teams.
i use zhongli full geo dmg just to tap the burst with c2 for the shield and hopefull recovery the animation downtime and swap with that 120k dmg
For me, Klee is overrated
Video titled "Top 5 Overrated character" but why Raiden isn't top 1?
Her only function is regenerating energy, no damage and no other utility. Even 4 star characters can do more than this, such as; Bennett, Diona, Dori, Sucrose
I really appreciate your comments on Raiden x Sara combo. My friends are asking me how come I keep on using TTDS Lisa instead of Sara in my Abyss runs and I also say the same thing. I also want to save my resources knowing that I already have a built Lisa because of the early game investment.
A character can be overrated or underrated depending where you look at. In meta community, Yelan is underrated as people always talk about her how her hydro application is worse, her energy requirement is higher, etc. In casual community, she's overrated because casuals only know about bigger numbers.
Same applies to Zhongli and Kokomi, meta community doesn't value defensive options as much as casuals do. There is no correct answer to this.
as a Ganyu main. i agree that Ganyu is a bit overrated ngl. the main thing that ganyu gets her spotlight as CA character is on Reverse Melt Teamcomp consist of Zhongli Bennet and Xiangling.. but not everyone can have those characters. my CA usually can do 64k on bloom hit. but with bennet burst and zhongli shield it can go up to 114k. and its good at overworld.. I cant seem to see on my teamcomp on the abyss can use ganyu.. since its arguably right that her burst is better than CA using morgana that i dont have time to farm artifact with.. but in the end i love my Ganyu and she carried me throughout the game and i dont regret playing her as my first 5* character
I personally find it balanced that C6 4* characters in general are still stronger than C0 5* characters, and the point where the 5* becomes clearly stronger is at C2R1 onwards.
Although in Yelan's case I believe having her C1 and Elgy is enough to edge out just because Elgy is so OP.
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Tell me "Top 5 must pull characters" according to you!
U told every good character overrated,
So I want to know your top 5 must pulls!
eula isn't overrated
she is actually bad
Most overrated for is Ganyu BOOBA. it so huge in fanart but in game kinda small.
Venti is the most overrated with Zhongli. If you already have Kazuha and Sucrose, Venti's value falls down (clumsy ult targetting, ennemy lifted too high, you don't really need him in Abyss to 36*) . But if you only play Morgana for 2 years like Tenten, i guess it's a good pull
regular gamer who have c6 xingqui..
what? is he that easy to obtain?
Fun cause I was planning to make a video on why Yelan is underrated… 🤣 Well I guess we don't talk/see the same people. 🤭
I dont think op really knows the meaning of the word "overrated"
my top 5 overrated characters:
1. Xiangling
2. Xiangling
3. Xiangling
4. Xianlging
5. Bennett
I am soo happy, dendro released and now we have many more f2p friendly abyss viable teams that don't have Xiangling. As for bennett, I 36 starred abyss multiple times without him, as a f2p, so I don't know why people think he's pyro archon or smth. He's just a good support. That's it. I suspect those who have real bad artifact rolls worship these characters the most which is understandable tbh.
This video went from informative to bs, the moment you said Ganyu's charge attack isn't her main strength. Seriously, don't spread misinfomation like that. Her melt team still has one of the highest if not the highest dmg ceiling. Venti has been sidelined in abyss prety consistently so I doubt how useful Morgana is these days (I use Venti with freeze team myself tho it still works for sure when Venti works). An average melt Ganyu can hit 130k per charged shot which is like 1/3rd of an Ayaka burst. But she's overrated? really? This community went batshit insane after Inazuma came out tbh.
Edit: Oh Zhongli is overrated too? May I suggest, you try 4pc Archaic Petra on him? 20% shred + 35% dmg bonus, he's a mini kazuha with unrivaled defense if you know what you're doing. That's overrated too? okay lmao.
I don't get Eula being overrated, like no one even cares about her and no one is mentioning her ever, BUT THEN BOOM she overrated. LOL how?
T0 characters are overrated. 😂 Overrated the overrated from the overrated.
Alot of the best Yelan team have XQ in them. 😀