I Raised Every Inazuma Hero, Here Are My Thoughts (Genshin Impact)

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Today in Genshin Impact we’re talking about the 12 currently released heroes from Inazuma, which are Raiden Shogun, Sara, Itto, Kazuha, Ayaka, Miko, Ayato, Kokomi, Yoimiya, Gorou, Thoma, Sayu.

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0:00 Intro
1:13 Raiden Shogun
1:37 Sara
2:09 Itto
2:35 Kazuha
3:30 Ayaka
4:18 Miko
5:05 Ayato
5:38 Kokomi
6:16 Yoimiya
6:54 Gorou
7:31 Thoma
8:25 Sayu
9:19 Outro


27 thoughts on “I Raised Every Inazuma Hero, Here Are My Thoughts (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Sayu dps main
    I just gave her the 2 piece inazuma 18+ atk and the 2 piece anemo set with the wolf gravestone
    Max i did was 38k she still c2

  2. A Ayaka main here i use her E more often than her burst since if u cant freeze the enemy etc E skill helps its doing pretty well dmg too u need a hydro character in ur guys team if u guys didnt)

  3. There are many ways to play Sayu, my favorite is building her as a main DPS that can supply her own swirls. Can build her as a Pyro DPS since you have C6 Bennett for melts/vapes to play off her Elemental Mastery ascension stat, or a Cryo DPS with Chongyun's infusion. Throw in Yun Jin/Shenhe for more normal attack damage.

    Can also just slap other characters on her and do the beyblade build like you talked about in the video. Kaeya, Xangling, etc.

  4. I still remember how all my friends told me I would want and need Ayaka. I was like “meh, she is sweet but I have my build Kaeya”. And still, I don’t need her, I have Kaeya, Shenhe and Qiqi as cryo. 😂 My fav is my main, Raiden. I like using her and I love electro. Also I think She is pretty easy to use and make combo with another characters. 🙏🏻

  5. My favourite inazuma character is kokomi, she's double crowned right now and I got her from her release! Dragged all my friends into the kokomi appreciation train as well! She's a really pretty character and I love her aesthetics, that's why I roll for characters usually! Kokomi will eventually be my second triple crowned unit next to Xiao!

  6. i use kokomi and raiden together both do AMAZING damage so you can do raiden e and with to kokomi its really good cause it also gives you electro from raidens e heal from kokomi and just god mode damage i recommend you try

  7. So happy i pulled kazuha before ! But today i unfortunately hardly see him for something else than the supa-meta boi … it breaks my heart to be followed by this image of king of meta, because i do enjoy underrated chars for the value they often brings, with everyone despiting them ( as yoi keqing or shenhe ) but he’s still one of my fav ofc x)

  8. My favourite character: The one and Oni Itto, Raiden, Kamisato Siblings, Sayu, Thoma

    Itto: Fun gameplay, even funnier dialogues!
    Raiden: Super stonk!
    Ayaya: Elegance on wheels!
    Ayabruh: Resting b*tch face boss (so, you collect these?)
    Sayu: C6 with high EM on Clam set, super fun off field dps healer,
    Thoma: househusband supremacy!

  9. Event tho i play from the release, Ayaka was my first DPS unit, since i lost all the 50/50 on other dpses i pulled for. I love her dash, srsly the only way i exlore is with her dash, no water will ever slow me down. Id give her 11/10 if it wasnt for her only flaw – constant talking, but well ;P

  10. Single Anemo healer or Double Anemo support. Her ultimate with maiden beloved and my stats(1300atk 50 or so healing bonus) which is a basic EM (200) fills like 8000 or so on all allies at once no questions asked.

    Now you can very well use kokomi, bennet and be an immortal god tanking azhdaha and double maguu kenki. But its either using kaeya/ xiangliang and rotating with her or anemo support. Other than that maybe extra mobility?


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