I NEED HELP (Genshin Impact Bows Only)

what the hell am I doing

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20 thoughts on “I NEED HELP (Genshin Impact Bows Only)”

  1. Deelo is literally the embodiment of gambling addiction in every single "Only" video =))))))))

    That being said i am as cursed as you brother, all i want when i lose 50/50s is a Tighnari and a Dehya cuz i want to collect all standards first of all and as a Trav/Aloy main and triple cronwer i want to do the same for Dehya just to spite ppl who check my profile i also want to C6 Benny but guess what, none of those things happen, no Tighnari for me no Dehya for me and i swear i got up to C4 Benny in a couple of months and since then it's been like a year where i didn't get a single Benny anymore(except the free one last event which bumped up to C5).

  2. Ignore if you don't want leaks for upcoming characters

    It's said that Sigewinne will be a 4 star hydro bow user who also heals so I strongly recommend saving wishes for when she has a rate up! It's said she'll be a healer which is great considering Diona and c4 Gorou are the only bow healers we have at the moment. Hopefully she is also a strong hydro applicator since Yelan can only be on so many teams and Childe isn't that great of an applicator. I have a bows only account myself and find I want Yelan on both my abyss teams for the hydro…

  3. start saving, pick a limited character you want to c6 and wait for their rerun banner, then try to get c6, your chances of getting tignari on standard are pretty much the same as losing 50/50 to him, so instead of wasting pulls on standard or some dogshit constellations (venti), you should wait for the banner you'd actually want to c6 and try your luck then

  4. From banner leaks, the next bow character is set to be all the way in 2nd half 4.4 which will be Ganyu (during the lantern rite stuff), before that there isn't any bow characters. So I would say using primos on the standard banner might not be that bad of an idea (and then as 4.4 rolls around start saving for Ganyu constellations??)

  5. Mabye try getting the weapons for the 5 Star bow characters? That or save for new bow characters?

    tighnari will come eventually and even if he doesn’t while you run into the same problem that you have with Lyney with him not being very compatible with many bow characters.

    ( only 2 hydro one a main dps the other you want to but on vape and dosn’t mess well with a charge attack play style, only shielder is cryo so no reactions pus your healer which is better used for more fragile characters, and ur only two pryo units and both dps Mabye a venti team but the same can be said for him with ganyu)

    Sorry for the rant lol but I hope that makes u feel better about not have tighnari u will probs still use collei even if you get him.

  6. Maybe:
    1. Finish leveling all your bow characters to 90
    2. Build them and optimize them while waiting for new bow characters
    At least for now.
    I personally would pull on the standard since you can get 2 usefull weapons and Tighnari from it, but for an "ONLY" account, the gambling is too high. I would say save up your gems and wait until a proper new bow character comes out or wait for Ganyu if you really want since she most likely will get a re-run around chinese new year.

  7. My dude, you are after character on the standard banner and wishing on the limited banner. You are literally cutting your odds of getting Tighnari in half by wishing there. It's a waste rolling on limited for him, it is literally going from a 5 star having a 1/17 to 1/34 chance since >50% of limited 5 stars are the limited character. Even if it doesn't seem like that.


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