I LOVE EULA! First Impression Initial Gameplay Experience | Can't Wait to get her! | Genshin Impact

0:00 โ€“ Intro
0:30 โ€“ Eula First Thoughts on Animations
1:19 โ€“ Build they gave us (probably good)
3:20 โ€“ Superconduct
4:15 โ€“ Elemental Skill Passive (Grimheart)
7:33 โ€“ Energy Recharge Issues
8:49 โ€“ Story Quest Version
14:00 โ€“ How to fix ER Issues
18:44 โ€“ Team Compositions Suggestions
23:39 โ€“ Should you Summon?

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46 thoughts on “I LOVE EULA! First Impression Initial Gameplay Experience | Can't Wait to get her! | Genshin Impact”

  1. openworld mobs die before eula can nuke with her ult, domain mobs too, tho for abyss esp against few mobs, her ER problems are definitely present. But her 2x grimheart stacks > hold E > unleashing 1/2 a nuke is pretty satisfactory too, imo

  2. I agree with your point of thoughts about the ER on the trial domain. Same thing happened to Xiao. I do hope they'll change that.

    I have Eula rn and she's really good. It made me think how shields in game actually works, because lectors, mages and fatuis never lasted long despite their shields up. My only downside rn is I have a restricted team comp due to the fact I'm using a 3/4 lithic blade on her with beidou, xingqiu, and support ganyu (xinyan on f12).

    Kinda thrown off in pulling on weapon because aquila… I'll wait on the livestream of mihoyo and decide there instead.

  3. < f2p (or at least i didn't spend any of my saved Welkin funds yet) struggled to get stars on 11 and 12 – Eula though, best choice =P
    Super fun, and easily got me 6 extra stars using Starsilver 666 talents. Definitely happier than I would've been with Zhong Zzz playstyle Zzz pokey stick Zzz pass no thanks.
    Eula Skill / Ult synergy is awesome, she slaps even on floor 12 without phys bonus and looks beautiful, no regrets.

    (obv don't take that as advice, might not be your char, but sure is mine)

  4. Maybe a Diona with Sacrificial Bow can help with that Energy problem. A team I think for her is Eula, Diona, Xingqiu, Fischl (Any electro for superconduct). Or even Zhongli instead of Xingqiu just for more Physical reduction :b

    ~Damn, I should've commented after watching the team comp part xD

  5. Wait. I just realized, she doesn't have physical kit in her ascension. So she can be full cyro. Damn

    And Diona with Favonius Warbow would be perfect battery for her. Noice shielding too

  6. Diano with favonius/sacbow singlehandedly solves ER problems, BUT Rosaria feels smoother since she adds mobility. So it's kinda hard to find the best way to play her yet. There is a lot of options to think about. Idk if shatter is worth trying, so Xingqiu is a question mark there(same as Diano, you better use him for reaction teams). Beidou is rly good to use especially with sac.greatsword to tank a lot of dmg/do big pp counters.

  7. so i miscalculated my pity, accidentally got diluc (which im stoked about) on the last day of the zhongli banner and said, "well, i guess im 75 away from pity now" and spent my remaining 45 wishes and got zhongli c1 early on wish 45

    im kicking myself now lol. its super cool to finally get diluc, and zhongli is always on the field so the double dong formation can now be employed, but eula looks pretty fun to play

  8. I mean they could just add a button that lets you refill energy when you want without touching the stats or add crazy passives in the trial so you can have more of a fair and clear showcase with the trail

  9. I'm pretty sure the reason you get so much energy is because when you get an enemy below a certain health threshold, they give energy particles, and the trails throw weak enemies at you for testing, so that's alot of particles.


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