I Hope the Anniversary Rewards get Better in 2.2 Because New Rewards are A JOKE | Genshin Impact

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20 thoughts on “I Hope the Anniversary Rewards get Better in 2.2 Because New Rewards are A JOKE | Genshin Impact”

  1. This is weird.. do you all see how they are applying a free child labor mentality on us for the anniversary.. well.. monthly by now? They gotta get the message we ain’t zombies you know?

  2. So you're telling me the best reward we have even the slightest chance of getting is a welkin moon worth $5? Sure, they're giving away 3 iphones, etc, but that type of reward will go to like .0001% of the playerbase.

    WTF mhy, this is rediculous.

  3. I think they are not showing us real rewards because they want to give us smth really average and want it look good in the background of announced.
    It will still look weak compared to other games but everyone would say: :OH THAT IS BETTER THANKS MIHOYO!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!
    Or they're hoping so)

  4. Wait, didn't it only say anniversary rewards?, Did they change it to community rewards?, Please for the love of god tell me that they changed it and i don't just have a bad Memory, PLEASE, I BEG THEE, TELL ME IT MEANS IT'S ONLY THE COMMUNITY EVENTS AND THERE'S SOME ACTUAL FUCKING REWARDS

  5. ye no i had my hopes up for nothing i thought that there will be a lot but after seeing this ………………………………………………………………………………. (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻

  6. Could be copium, but I think that the "community" part of these rewards might imply that it's just for content creators and community, not general players. It also requires preparation so it makes sense that they'll post it already.

  7. I guess mihoyo's idea of ponzi scheme is the 1st anniversary "events" for free marketing. Anything that forces me a go on the badlands of toxic twitter or feed more information to Zuckbook and do more shits for paltry rewards is given the finger for plain BS.

  8. Why didn’t they give welkin to all players though? Like it makes players log in and actually play the game and it would make everyone happy rather than just giving 10% to the whole community like people will be pissed off

  9. sekapoko i like how your one of the few that are somewhat optimistic about the anni. rewards. as for me i would like something new and worth it however if they dont get it right this time there is always next time. its still a good game and i wont stop playing because of this. hell my first gacha was brave frontier, then to bleach brave souls and dragonball legends. so i have been in the gacha game for years so its nothing new to me. all we can do is wait and see if they fix their mistakes.


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