#genshin #genshinimpact #aratakiitto
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New 🎤 , so audio may sound different till I find a way of recording with it I like.
😂😂 All youtubers they have the stronger itto
More like a COPIUM C0 Itto.
my c0 itto literally have 75/232 crcd with 2533DEF istg i been farming for him daily and im so proud with him and I really want his c1 :(!
Triplecrowned him this monday, he deserves it.
And mono Geo is actually so fun! Just brainless unga bunga, I'm not regretting investing in them even a bit.
He is doing great with the whiteblind for me, but ill try to lvl up my sacrificial sword to try it on him like you sugested in another video because i actually want to give her sword back to noelle xD she is using the sword of farvonius when i use her with itto 🙁
Cap sorry but tectones better
I don't have Redhorn but with serpent I have like 94/179 crits 128% er. He pops off. Still in the process of upping his level, talents and Gorou. He's going to be cray cray
I'm never comfortable with less than 70% crit rate.
Definitely another Kazuha situation. Most people who pay attention and read knew Itto was good, but the vocal Geo haters ("no reactions! I need my melts!") swayed the masses. Grats on a sick Itto! I'm still farming as many primos as I possibly can for him! Have Gorou already.
He looks busted af wonder how much resin you used on him
I'd love to give my two cents on how he's holding up, if I could get decent artifacts. Looks like he'll hold up decently for a while, though I'm personally still leaning 'okay' till I can get him in the ballpark artifacts wise as some of my other characters.
Can Itto beat Goku though? 🥴
I claim I have the best c0 itto. But yours comes extremely close the only thing left for mine it too crown his skill(lvl9 atm) but this overall is probably my favorite character especially because he does so well at low cons
Sup valk, sup comments
Bruh I have around the same substats, I NEED that redhorn 🤤
Bullshit! Everybody know best Itto need his R5 Debate Club
Hi Valk. I have Itto with normal artifacts, F2P. He is stronger than my months built Eula and Ganyu. Or he is that strong or the other units need more investment in artifacts to shine, i don't know maybe you can tell me and help.
As far as main dps go, he's average. Someone you can skip without feeling like you missed out on something. Also someone you can pull and clear all the content with and have fun doing it.
gar row
pouts in a corner I'd have best Itto if my best DEF/CRIT stats weren't on my CLAM SET. Curse you RNGEEZUS!
My itto have 91% crit without food buff , 218% crit dmg and 138 er and 2454 def best team for him zhongli and bennett and xiangling and his burst always up
My itto is better🙇🏾♂️ at C0
I still don’t have mine I’m trying to get more primogems
good start bud!! my C0 does the same damage without gorou
Im not looking at the video
Im too annoyed by the geo primovishap
He could be better.
Has 59cr and 260cd, come on man