I Have the Strongest C0 Arataki Itto | Genshin Impact

#genshin #genshinimpact #aratakiitto

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27 thoughts on “I Have the Strongest C0 Arataki Itto | Genshin Impact”

  1. He is doing great with the whiteblind for me, but ill try to lvl up my sacrificial sword to try it on him like you sugested in another video because i actually want to give her sword back to noelle xD she is using the sword of farvonius when i use her with itto 🙁

  2. Definitely another Kazuha situation. Most people who pay attention and read knew Itto was good, but the vocal Geo haters ("no reactions! I need my melts!") swayed the masses. Grats on a sick Itto! I'm still farming as many primos as I possibly can for him! Have Gorou already.

  3. I'd love to give my two cents on how he's holding up, if I could get decent artifacts. Looks like he'll hold up decently for a while, though I'm personally still leaning 'okay' till I can get him in the ballpark artifacts wise as some of my other characters.

  4. I claim I have the best c0 itto. But yours comes extremely close the only thing left for mine it too crown his skill(lvl9 atm) but this overall is probably my favorite character especially because he does so well at low cons

  5. Hi Valk. I have Itto with normal artifacts, F2P. He is stronger than my months built Eula and Ganyu. Or he is that strong or the other units need more investment in artifacts to shine, i don't know maybe you can tell me and help.

  6. As far as main dps go, he's average. Someone you can skip without feeling like you missed out on something. Also someone you can pull and clear all the content with and have fun doing it.


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