I gave this AR57 player an account review live on Twitch. If you want to get involved or get your account reviewed, come hang out on Twitch @ https://twitch.tv/braxophone
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Kaeya Account Review: https://youtu.be/OgWZfPOf8Zg
2.6 Weapon Tierlist: https://youtu.be/uO9Ashkq4mE
Rosaria Guide: https://youtu.be/piArNdgUuV4
Are New Characters Getting Worse: https://youtu.be/5cxS8U4ugf8
Make Any Character a DPS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CXI9TLHMus
Best F2P Weapons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIy3wkzXC24
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#genshin #genshinimpact #spiralabyss #accountreview
Like if you learned something 🙂
This was all done live at https://twitch.tv/braxophone
4:47 peepoleave 👋
Please clear the abyss for me too 🙏 (only 1 star left but those lectors won't die in one Raiden rotation 💀)
Leave a like if you want Braxophone to cosplay Yoimiya!
I just got back playing Genshin recently like a month now. I stopped playing after Version 1.3 and now its almost 2.7. Basically, im hoping if you can review my account and provide feedback. I have my original lineup from before i quit, and i watched your Top 3 F2P teams and is currently working on Xiangling now (90% done with Benett, Xingqui, Sucrose) and currently haven't done spiral abyss (just like before) because its hard for me. I hope you can help me. Thank you!
Is anyone else tired of seeing the same 3-4 teams in every account review ?
Why didn't you put Beidou on the first slot?!
Why didn't you put Beidou on the first slot?!
Why didn't you put Beidou on the first slot?!
Thanks for the vid, man
And here i am a 2 month f2p starter playing without good artifacts, Bennet, etc 🥴 (AR47 btw)
Noob content and u are not even pro to rate others account GFY
How did you not die on 12-2–2? There is no way Diona can tank that much damage…I get killed there about 90% of the time so I don't even bother trying to clear it on any of my accounts that don't have a Zhongli and C6 Noelle.
What do you think about Yelan in morgana group as hydro char? Or as a Xingqiu overall replacement?
Make a video about transformative reactions !!
I have been breezing this abyss with sucrose taser and ayaka freeze.
But the most important part is that why didn't you put beidou in the first slot?
Pyro heralds are sooo annoying. Thats why I love my Kokomi just healing their DoT ticks and hydro app on their shields
and Hydro heralds are so annoying which is why Ayaka or Rosaria or Kaeya help SOOO much with all that cryo app
fake beidou player spotted
loved the video
Positioning is also huge in this Spiral Abyss. Those stupid Abyss assholes go down so much faster when they're grouped up properly.
I wonder if heizhou is gonna be better in tazer comp than sucrose, im planning on building tazer one day, but sucrose is my only anemo grouper character
What can I do if I don't have Venti and ganyu? My account is very similar to this one.
Ngl, I kinda miss your covid voice. Your voice was soothing.
Did you call venti a her
Yo braxophone have you ever tried playing abyss on mobile?
*Has multiple 5 stars to use
*Proceeds to Make a team of 4 stars
i was having a hard time in floor 12 with ganyu,mona ,Eula,Yae,and all 4 stars i have except diona ,its annoying as hell to play ganyu without shield
current abyss floor 12 rotation is basically first chamber taser, 2nd chamber freeze.
I 36 stared 30mins before watching this vid with the same teams Teaser and CN Morgana
Beidou should be in the first slot.
Hitting like for the cosplay.
u look like call me kevin 🤔
Click bait not using the shirt on the thumbnail :v
Beidou: I'm a dps but when I do ,i dont
Oh and hey Beidou called me 2 hours ago and said "He should've putten me in the first slot."
Roses are red
Chillies are hot
Beidou should be in the first slot
Awesome video Brax!
I had a tough time with this abyss on its first rotation.
I don't have Mona and didn't have Ayaka, so I had a tough time doing both DPS and cryo application on the heralds.
But after getting her I've been having an easy time. I was actually using Hu Tao with double hydro using Barbara and it worked super fine, both in the pyro shield floor and the lector floor.
I had too <3 And I cant wait to see you cosplay Yoimiya
The crit rate in the thumbnail looks like mine, just with about 150 less crit damage too
My artifacts suck
"Why was that Beidou on the 4th slot?!" XD
You know Mona, Fischl, Sucrose, and Zhongli is an extremely powerful taser combo. It helped me easily clear the first half on all floors using Sucrose’s abilities up close can pull both pyro heralds together. I can use Ayaka freeze team on second half. Ayaka dashing is so cheesy. I also used physical Qiqi 2nd half to 35* on first try, lol.
Can you help me…
Here's me not being able to get past the early dragon mission because I just started playing. 😆😆😆
Honestly to me as a noob this looked amazing. I wish I was good at this game LMAO
bro i didnt know there were strats like taser and stuff i honestly thought it was just
1 dps
1 passive element applier
1 anemo for swirl
1 utility or support
and the correct build for each this is pretty inresting ngl
Venti is best boy
Eula is super hot
Beidou really should be
In the very first slot.
Im not very creative…
I need some help too..