i hate to see this genshin impact drama…

just my reaction to some genshin impact eceleb drama over on my twitch stream. i guess this video also counts as me addressing the “genshin drama” that unironically people have asked me to make a video on even though i don’t play genshin impact.

twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/eango_

twitter – https://twitter.com/Eango__

#genshinimpact #genshin


50 thoughts on “i hate to see this genshin impact drama…”

  1. Envi was right, its still 3 pulls, nothing changed. You have to actively do something instead of making noise on social media. Good luck convincing 50 million players to quit the game bevause this is what it will take

  2. Was that slime always that fucking stupid? "There's bigger issues out there" Yeah. We know. But we have a better chance at doing something about this than ending religious tensions that have been going on for hundreds of years. Like damn.

    It costs nothing to give us free pulls and can be solved with the click of a button. Like damn dude.

  3. 'A youtube videos not gonna do shit' yeah that's part of the problem, freak ass guac guac 3000 ass nub. Do what you can and tell them we know they getting off easy having little avenues of criticism open.

  4. I love this drama because Envi has spent at least a few thousand back when he did giveaways to players. Now he mostly pulls on whale accounts i think not sure if he still does giveaways since I stopped watching the slime a while ago.

  5. It's a pure fact that those who 24/7 ranting about this issue are children. I don't really care about 20 30 40 pulls because it doesn't affect anything IRL.

    If there is someone who can 100% claim that they are ranting for me probably those who fight with CCP oppression that shrink Rosaria and Shenhe' boob.

  6. True, envi didnt spend money on his account ever. BUT he DID spend money on other people's accounts to give them 5* characters multiple times. He DID hype up the new characters for others to pull. You cant just say I'm the purest mf in existence to that 😅

  7. When the 4.4 update is released, players will be reminiscent of children receiving candy from their father. This delightful surprise will bring them immense joy, causing them to momentarily forget any mistreatment they may have experienced before. Consequently, they will enthusiastically engage with the game, as if nothing negative had ever occurred.

  8. This damn Tectone guy is gonna make poor Envi suffocate on stream again!!! He CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!! Tectone is a literal Trump of gacha gaming, my goodness, I'm literally shaking just thinking about that redneck HE'S SO PROBLEMATIC!!!😡

  9. Welp. guess what, nothing did happen huh? People made those drama video about those 3 mfking fates and when the new character trailer released, people reacted like there is no problem.

    And now they released the rewards and its still 10+3 and guess what, the 3 is even on the last few days of February and are given every other day.

    Did any of the youtube video and other propaganda worked? No. As envi said, the best you can do is hurt them in their wallet. Do not spend on the game.. Period. If u want to go further, dont fking watch genshin streams/vids..

    Coz what this drama gives to them is free advertisement on them.. You know whats going to happen, people will download the game and check the game itself and thus would make them new players "nothing is wrong here, its so good". Like just stop. Dont give the game money, dont give the game publicity and thats where it will hurt them as even if you bombard them with 1 star reviews, with all these videos going around, its just promoting them.

  10. Enviosity's argument was pretty much saying staying away from cigarettes won't solve your smoking problem. It isn't the solution yes, but it drives awareness as HYV is actively censoring discussion on certain platforms. Remember when he was showing off how many F2P primos he had only to drop the ball on a stream that showed that he is getting additional primos from HYV?

    Tectone's resume includes Drama Creator as he is always involved in a drama on every gacha game he plays. He even tried to have his mob cancel a number of creators only because he was called out on his BS. He also recently decided to do weird stuff on Twitch for clout.

    Both of these online personas suck. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

  11. 12:10
    There's a difference
    Being f2p and clearing content that even whales struggle sometimes is a big flex
    Personally my account is decent for an f2p so yh
    It's kind of a flex having a good account without spending shii

    Tho you do spend your time


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