I Fixed Genshin Impact. (2024 Edition)

Link to last year’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqNrq0BO7Ig


0:00 Start


2:15 Portable waypoint buff

3:18 Improve/introduce new movement mechanics for better exploration

5:35 Improve gliding mechanics

6:04 Increase stamina cap

7:00 Get rid of the stupid bubble diaper

8:06 give toggle to relight the Hypostyle pyramid fire

9:29 reset chests for more exploration


11:25 permanent dark mode toggle for loading screens

11:37 add atlas fate function from Star Rail to Genshin

12:02 proper story replay function

12:32 add skip button

13:38 give traveler more dialogue

14:06 open up a direct route to Inazuma for new players

15:42 streamline questing in Genshin

16:46 toggle constellations

17:07 2nd skill for all characters, 2nd ults for some

18:24 Buff older or weaker characters

19:26 buff traveler & remove the element resonance mechanic

20:01 add more unique elemental reactions

20:33 add more weapon types and sub-types

22:07 endgame expansions

29:35 optimze coop and remove desync

29:56 trial characters in Overworld

30:30 borrow friend support characters

30:51 rerun old events/bring back old welfare weapons

32:18 add Arcade mode

32:59 add in-depth training mode

33:46 higher FPS cap

34:02 actual collaborations

34:27 add f2p item that allows characters to limit-break to level 100


35:53 improve rewards across the board

37:33 improve expeditions

38:35 improve parametric transformer

39:12 improve Friendship mechanics

40:17 Resin overhaul

42:25 improve Weekly boss rewards & Dream Solvents

43:12 respawning normal enemies/regional specialties

43:30 make transient/fragile Resin more obtainable

43:54 improve artifacts

51:36 add artifact + weapon loadouts (PROPER ONES)

52:06 add more Crowns

52:42 improve returning player bonuses


54:32 overhaul prices for premium stuff

55:25 remove Genesis Crystals

56:05 add more free/shop 4-star characters

57:06 add permanent 5-star and limited 4-star weapons

57:27 thoughts on Chronicled Wish

1:00:00 Revamp Weapon Banner/Epitomized Path

1:00:41 free perma 5-Star character + custom banner

1:01:27 Expand & Improve character appearance

1:02:09 Improve Language options and localizations

1:05:55 dual/team Ultimates like Aether Gazer

1:06:49 add guilds

1:07:25 Outro

Thanks for watching!

I stream sometimes, follow so that you can hang out for some gacha games and chill if ya like:

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/touhousniper98
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TouhouSniper98
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/touhousniper98
Fanfiction Profile: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3863164/Hieda-no-Akyuu

#honkaistarrail #genshinimpact #mihoyo


30 thoughts on “I Fixed Genshin Impact. (2024 Edition)”

  1. Timestamps:

    0:00 Start


    2:15 Portable waypoint buff

    3:18 Improve/introduce new movement mechanics for better exploration

    5:35 Improve gliding mechanics

    6:04 Increase stamina cap

    7:00 Get rid of the stupid bubble diaper

    8:06 give toggle to relight the Hypostyle pyramid fire

    9:29 reset chests for more exploration

    Ch. 2: GAMEPLAY

    11:25 permanent dark mode toggle for loading screens

    11:37 add atlas fate function from Star Rail to Genshin

    12:02 proper story replay function

    12:32 add skip button

    13:38 give traveler more dialogue

    14:06 open up a direct route to Inazuma for new players

    15:42 streamline questing in Genshin

    16:46 toggle constellations

    17:07 2nd skill for all characters, 2nd ults for some

    18:24 Buff older or weaker characters

    19:26 buff traveler & remove the element resonance mechanic

    20:01 add more unique elemental reactions

    20:33 add more weapon types and sub-types

    22:07 endgame expansions

    29:35 optimze coop and remove desync

    29:56 trial characters in Overworld

    30:30 borrow friend support characters

    30:51 rerun old events/bring back old welfare weapons

    32:18 add Arcade mode

    32:59 add in-depth training mode

    33:46 higher FPS cap

    34:02 actual collaborations

    34:27 add f2p item that allows characters to limit-break to level 100


    35:53 improve rewards across the board

    37:33 improve expeditions

    38:35 improve parametric transformer

    39:12 improve Friendship mechanics

    40:17 Resin overhaul

    42:25 improve Weekly boss rewards & Dream Solvents

    43:12 respawning normal enemies/regional specialties

    43:30 make transient/fragile Resin more obtainable

    43:54 improve artifacts

    51:36 add artifact + weapon loadouts (PROPER ONES)

    52:06 add more Crowns

    52:42 improve returning player bonuses


    54:32 overhaul prices for premium stuff

    55:25 remove Genesis Crystals

    56:05 add more free/shop 4-star characters

    57:06 add permanent 5-star and limited 4-star weapons

    57:27 thoughts on Chronicled Wish

    1:00:00 Revamp Weapon Banner/Epitomized Path

    1:00:41 free perma 5-Star character + custom banner

    1:01:27 Expand & Improve character appearance

    1:02:09 Improve Language options and localizations

    1:05:55 dual/team Ultimates like Aether Gazer

    1:06:49 add guilds

    1:07:25 Outro

  2. what Genshin need the most is competitors.

    but asking for equal competitors for Genshin that taking the lead for 3 years and billion dollars budget development their game thus far is IMPOSSIBLE.

    only way newer game can compete with Genshin is in area that Genshin lacking the most.

    QOL and community relations.

  3. I actually add some things to the idea and that would the gaining exp in certain quest or areas. This is so to make low leveled characters in your party level up potentially easier and therefore saving resources that gradually do boost the character to max level before ascension.

    Also make ascension and/or talent materials rewards be increased since more than one character share about the same required amount materials which would therefore have players be able to level up talent of more than characters if they grind a lot on the game. (Again, this is probably an add in onto the rewards section of this video. )

  4. So, the reason why the flames go away from the Mausoleum is because you fixed what Deshret broke, at least in that area. Dude opened up a hole to the abyss, and that was some very bad shit pouring into Teyvat. Similar thing happens with reality hole in the last zone (though at least you get a magic tree to replace it).

  5. To reduce my own yapping

    TLDR A lot of the additions dont really have any semblance of balance.

    They dont really make Genshin a better game but make Genshin a better Gacha

    Which might feel like the same thing but there not

    It also seems like the addition of complexity( trying to avoid saying to much) is very centered on the PC experience

    But Genshin is developed with Mobile limitations in mind

    There are a few note worth things but for the most part its basically making Genshin like every other Gacha

    But Genshin fails at being a good gacha game which is why so many enjoy Genshin

    Thats as simple as i can make it without 20 paragraphs

    Its all in good fun but if half of these things were added most people would quit

  6. I agree – as a fairly new player to genshin I also noticed the stamina increase on our characters has stopped increasing after maxing Liyue statue of the seven. Definitely would've been nice to have more stamina for every new region even if it's just 10% extra stamina duration but oh well! Personally I don't have any issues with the current stamina system as it is but it's definitely a welcome upgrade (if they ever decide to do so).

  7. russian tartaglia would go so hard. SO HARD. also i agree, at the very least let us have voice language toggle for characters, they have this feature in SFV and it was a blessing.
    i don't think a single one of your takes were a miss, each suggestion was a hit. awesome video!

  8. Team Ults or combo Ults would be really cool. Especially if Archon teams had special team Ults. Venti pulling everyone into a spot while Zhongli drops the rock, then Shogun slicing through the stunned enemies, while Furina just watches from the stands and cheers.

  9. Il be honest half of these are batshit insane while the other half is what almost every hardcore player wants. Sad reality it will never come until the game is somehow losing 50% of their players

  10. It was interesting to listen to your thoughts. Some are way too ambitious and unrealistic – like adding a 2nd skill, but yeah, that would make a game better.
    MHY barely implemented any QoL during these 3+ years of the game. And it was bare minimum. New banner is not good as well. So barely anyone believe, that they gonna make essential changes to the game core. These discussions still valuable. Some people will acknowledge, that it is possible to have actually good things. Someone maybe even leave genshin for a better game, that actually take care of player's experience.
    p.s. BGM is bizzare. I like that kind of music. But it distracts hard. Especially when trying to listen to a man, who speaks 6 words per second. Lyricless music would fit better.

  11. You are mad that Inazuma is canonically closed off? I think it would be quite immersion breaking if you could freely enter the only nation that has strict border patrol. Instead of opening up, there should be ways to get materials from Inazuma, e.g. from merchants (since some are still allowed there).

  12. One thing people dont understand is that Hoyo being data focused, you just have to keep asking for these things in their version surveys instead of just writing it off as "hoyo could never"

  13. My idea would be something like Memorial Arena in HI3 or Snowbreak's Neural Simulation like you said. It's just you and your party against a single boss, either a weekly or regular boss, with difficulties that will escalate each time you beat the boss. Higher difficulties would mean the boss would either move faster, hit harder or even gain a unique attack previously unseen when you encounter them on the outworld.

  14. Holy F he's cookin here with some of these ideas.
    49:25 this is a big one because it reminds me, Why the fuck is CD Reduction a stat on the stat list when literally ONE character can do it??? It's been 3 years and I know for a fact that they don't play their own game, did they forget that it exists?


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