I feel bad having these characters in Genshin Impact

I feel bad having these characters in Genshin Impact

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50 thoughts on “I feel bad having these characters in Genshin Impact”

  1. Whenever my friends tell me how hard it is to scale the slopes and mountains of Sumeru I just send them a Scaramouche funni gif. Yeah some people just wanna see the world burn

  2. 0:30 ayo tf is this I literally spend 30 minutes for the achievement of killing a bird while flying,I did that in one of the mountain of liyue where bird fly near us so I did there but idk that yoimiya can do the auto thingy you learn something everyday

  3. i feel bad for the gesnhin devs being so thoughtful of us giving us a shield to protect from raidens burst only to be eye framed by this guy lol
    devs be like: are we a joke to you?? XD

  4. I'm a Mona main and ever since I found out you can do that with Mona in the Shogun fight, I just kept doing it ever since 🤣 The fight is just more fun when you're messing around like that 🤣


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