I feel bad having these characters in Genshin Impact
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only one id want is scara and albedo i either have every other one or dont want them
Bet This Command Won't Work
i hate my mind after seeing the thumbnail
Lmao I feel good NOT having these characters haha
I felt bad when using Amber as Yelan's artifacts holder but at the same time, I felt nothing about it
That Thumbnail sus
I've pulled Wanderer purely for exploration cheese
I have sayu and wanderer
I feel bad cuz those too make exploring out of bounds too easy
Whenever my friends tell me how hard it is to scale the slopes and mountains of Sumeru I just send them a Scaramouche funni gif. Yeah some people just wanna see the world burn
I have wanderer ay my main and mona
I only have yoimia, nahida and mona
Climbing with venti,kazuha,scaramouche,xiao>>>
I feel bad for getting Ganyu because I got her at 20 pity. Using her as a burst support would make some meta slaves madge. But freeze is so good.
Harvesting Plants After Getting Nahida Is Good Life
Pulled scara just to make my exploration easy af… collecting culus really become easy
why is your wanderer's name scarab?
Woah! Why did Raiden's attack not hit Mona?
I spent around 5 mins yesterday trying to figure out how to reach a domain……
Where the kachinggg?
omg why didnt i think of using scara for that chest on the cliff…
0:30 ayo tf is this I literally spend 30 minutes for the achievement of killing a bird while flying,I did that in one of the mountain of liyue where bird fly near us so I did there but idk that yoimiya can do the auto thingy you learn something everyday
Hoyo, we found a patch note of albedo
And there’s nothing wrong about nahida. It’s legal
Man… I need albedo 🥲
Ye feel bad for adding up yelan to the team💀
Which is better C1 nahida or C0 niluo?
Incompetent radish really sucks
Wait we can do that with mona!
Trust me its better than feeling bad for not having them
Bros flexing his kazuha stats
sacra can get the chest without jumping i hope i knew it before i jumped
P.S. i have 999 em on kazuha 💀
i love but feel bad cheesing any of the new area's puzzles by just flying over with scara
I feel bad for having Ganyu, because only us who can experience long distance nuke
i feel bad for the gesnhin devs being so thoughtful of us giving us a shield to protect from raidens burst only to be eye framed by this guy lol
devs be like: are we a joke to you?? XD
🌸😹I see not why! Stay the feelings of regret and embrace the gifts that they are as blissful thrill😹🌸
I just need Nahida for my Wee Ones team…😊
I hate Xiangling so much but I still use her because International is just so strong 😂
Do you also seek Glitch to have Infinite freemogems
I have all characters you have except Yoimiya, Kazuha,& Ayaka so I am not feeling bad hhh
Just got Nahida yesterday , have Ayaka, and Kazuha, oh, and Mona, (I get her and Jean instead of Qiqi, no Qiqi 😢) ..the rest.. don't have ..bummer
I'm a Mona main and ever since I found out you can do that with Mona in the Shogun fight, I just kept doing it ever since 🤣 The fight is just more fun when you're messing around like that 🤣
I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but i have got all of these characters and except for yoimiya and wanderer i got only xiao
Nawr they’re good to have
What? I didn't know Mona could do that.
I fell bad for having Anoy…. never wanted her and unable to delete her from mailbox.
Woah! Nahida can collect resources with her skill? That's game changing.
I am ar60 and i don't have Mona, whyyyyy
You should feel bad for playing GI in first place.
0:15 i feel bad that killed for that chest when all i had to do is jump.