I Farmed 100 Artifact Domains to try and Save the Account… [Genshin Impact 4 Stars Only]

Now that we reached AR45 on our 4-star Only Genshin Impact account, we’ve unlocked the highest difficulty in artifact domains. That means it is time to crack open all of our fragile resin, hop into co-op, and see what artifacts we can get to upgrade our characters.

Genshin Impact is a gacha game with tons of powerful 5 star characters. But what if we ONLY used the 4 star characters instead. Of course, we’re going to impose some other rules onto ourselves to make it even more difficult, but could we complete all the content in the game including 36 stars in the Spiral Abyss?

We will be wishing on EVERY new rate-up character banner until we get a 4 star characters. Then, we stop pulling until the next banner. This means RNG will completely decide what characters we get to use, and prevents us from just pulling all the “meta” 4 stars whenever they show up. There are additional rules for when we pull weapons or constellations, but I’ll explain those in the video.

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#Genshin #GenshinImpact #hoyocreators


34 thoughts on “I Farmed 100 Artifact Domains to try and Save the Account… [Genshin Impact 4 Stars Only]”

  1. I watched an anime a long time ago, and it was about gaming, and it had some gatcha mechanics and stuff. One of the characters mentioned that the game could "hear" what you wanted both in drop rate and pull luck, so it adjusted the rates the more greedy you got, not really, just confirmation bias, just felt like it, but a horrible concept.
    I think the anime was "Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?" Or "And you thought there is never a girl online?" But I'm not sure because it's a long time ago.

  2. IIRC, you can check out what the Craftables do after you get the recipe for them. You have to do it through the forging UI. Sucks for hard to get craftables but for the Fontaine ones it's not much of a problem.

    EDIT: Probably should've just watched more before commenting lol. I also had a section about being able to see the weapon details from the banner from turns out I was just wrong. You can take a look at the Rate Up 5 Stars thanks to the Epitomized Path system but there's no way to look at the 4 stars. The fact that lore is in them just means a lot of players never get access to the full picture in game.

  3. btw if you need crystalflys get the crystalfly gadget asap – i always had to collect some over and now i have like 900 crystalflys and its just getting more cause you just use it each week and then collect 🙂

  4. I don't think you should have started just yet on farming artifacts. Yes, you got to AR 45, but at least you could have worked first on the characters you knew you were going to use, Gaming and Fischl for example, instead of using all your fragiles immediately, you could have waited and first worked on levels, talents and weapons, and after doing all that the artifacts. Because artifacts don't guarantee you a good build, the other three things I mentioned earlier do.

  5. I am late to say this but i just wanted to ask.
    Java when are you making the videos background sound ones like you did before a 1 hour or even 2 hour video of just background video or the 100% Every region series you just did liyue and mondstad

    It can't be only me who wants that type of videos again right

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