I didn't expect Kazuha's quest to be like this (Genshin Impact)

kazuha’s story quest in genshin impact was strange and unexpected, but also kinda nice…

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27 thoughts on “I didn't expect Kazuha's quest to be like this (Genshin Impact)”

  1. the event quest in GAA was better in my opinion though in terms of his character development and story. Also wish you showed your reaction to the blade in game. coz it does glow when used

  2. Honestly, I thought this quest was kinda weird. I mean, it's kinda sweet that everyone starts loving on Kazuha, but WANTING TO KNOW about him? To the point where they're searching for his personal information via unconventional means?? SUS

  3. Bwaap: talking about English, and minute vs minute
    Me, a native Russian speaker: hehe, meet plachu (pluh-choo). If you put the stress on the first syllable, it means I cry
    If you put it on the second syllable, ot means "I pay"
    In written form they're identical, and when messaging we often joke like "I'm paying tonight – why are you crying?"


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