Today in Genshin Impact, we’re gonna find out how much it costs to make guides.
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Genshin Impact

All footage produced by Gacha Gamer.

We are in no way affiliated to the developers or publishers of the mentioned games. We use the audiovisual footage to create unique content that falls under the fair use rights.
#GenshinImpact #Genshin



  1. To be honest, I much prefer your normal voice. Your encrypted voice is kind of annoying, which is why I don't watch your videos much. As for the money issue, I spent enough to get the characters I needed and that was it. No problem with that.

  2. I usually caps my spending at AAA full game price, less than 100$ each game annually.

    Usually testing online game for ~3month,
    If i like, it usually become year and spend few money.

    Longest game might be 3 years+ warframe pc, langrisser mobile

  3. Honestly, i enjoy your content much more than others. You can explain the new updates and character reviews in a concise and understandable manner. Thanks and keep up the good work!

  4. Well at least you're admitting it's not something you should be proud of. I'll pray for you having a great and brighter future 🙏😌. Also try not spend too much anymore.

  5. I recently did this exact same thing with my account.
    I've spent $900 in about 500 hours of playtime.
    I just looked at everything and said, "I've spent $900 and this is all I have?"
    It's such a bad conversion rate compared to any other non-gacha game.
    I haven't played the game since. I really like the game, but I just can't rationalize it any more.
    There's way too fomo and trying to keep up is way too expensive.

  6. aw i always watch your vids before new updates and new char drops or for builds coz u have the best builds and contents!! ur channels helped me a lot in my genshin journey
    this is such a nice video

  7. as someone who broke their f2p status for albedo I respect and love your decision to spend on albedo xD I whaled for him for the first time and never decide to do that again
    but I have no regrets coz he's easily my fav genshin character

  8. Yea agreed… I never spent so much on a game until Genshin impact … But it was the type of game I have been waiting for for years… I almost got all the characters .. but I still long for the new ones lol

    I have jean , Mona ,elua, Raiden at c6 … And qi qi at c5

  9. you lucky,all my 50/50 been eat by dilluc,if can have 1 char multi i will have 2 C6 dilluc,never get keqing even qiqi,about spending i only spend around 1 -2 dollar a day on geshin,start real play geshin when ayaka banner big spending only when get C4 raiden.

  10. Lo escribo en español porque de otra manera no lo haria. señor GACHAGAMER amo su canal y de todoa los creadores de contenido desde que inicio genshin es uno de los pocos que sigo. Los demas dejaron de interesarme por varias razones. Pero usted muchacho. Cada vez que hay una notificacion de sua video saco el telefono y me pongo a mirar el video!!! Joven GachaGamer si no representa un verdadero problema no le veo nada de malo. Ademas le permite disfrutar el juego 😂 perdon por mucho texto y sepa que lo apoyamos.

  11. Thanks for the transparency and telling us how you truly feel. I like watching your videos and hope you can continue doing them as long as you enjoy them, even without spending a crazy amount of money.
    Gacha and gaming addiction is a thing and it needs to be talked about more often. But of course, you as a content creator are spending money for a reason.
    Also, cute cat! Hope he gets better soon!

  12. don't worry, we'll help you get that money back. watching your videos, and helping your stream reach tons of new people out there lol. all jokes aside, I think its a great view from content creators. a lot of top creators for genshin don't like talking about it for some reason, but like it NEEDS to be talked about. genshin impact made 2.1 BILLION DOLLARS! not millions, BILLIONS! in only a year and some change, so obviously we know people spend ALOT of money. but if you spend already almost 7k, and you're missing a lot of constellations, imagine those creators who have c6 every character, c6 every weapon. its content that some people might find interesting. I think when you put into perspective, for many its their job so why not disclose it. I know money is always an issue with people, but like at the same time, we can estimate they make ALOT, like more than normal. thank you for this interesting topic. I've always been curious, if u spend this much on a game, how far along would you get or be at, or if you did this, how much luck would you need, etc etc

  13. Ngl I thought you were a hyperwhale who c6d all characters for some reason LOL

    Also damn I bet the profits from this video alone made up for all the money youve spent so far on genshin, crazy


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