I Can't Believe They Use Venti Like This In Genshin Impact

I cant believe they use Venti like this in Genshin Impact…HES A GOD!!!


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22 thoughts on “I Can't Believe They Use Venti Like This In Genshin Impact”

  1. I'm never that lucky to get ok artifact stats let alone getting anything decent it's always double def on every artifact except the sets that specialises in def and the other stats are always on the low scale.
    I have lost every single time in my 50/50 wishes to Qiqi c6+, Jean c5 Diluc c4 and Mona c4 all from event banners not standards and from standards I get nothing but skyward sword r1, claymore r1, bow r2, Amos bow r5 but the only bow user I have is the one we all star with Amber.
    Why is my luck with artifacts and wishing?! I've been playing since 2 days before Ganyu's first banner release & my luck never changes, my younger brother started just recently & he's already got more than half the characters, so what the F**k am I doing wrong what did I do to deserve this torment. 😤😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  2. Actually this is not only a lore accurate but a genshin accurate too. His C2 reduces anemo res same with C6 which adds extra to the absorbed one. C4 gives extra anemo dmg. If they don't use anemo MC, then they can't add more strength to Venti. Anemo MC does anemo res red. Now we have Faruzan for more buffs so yeah. Add a Shogun for extra ER.

    If they are all at C6…Venti and MC are the ones in front if you add Sara in the mix and Shogun then they die faster because of ER and CD. Spamming skills.


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