I bought Ayaka's skin so you don't have to (Genshin Impact)


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ヽ(*・ω・)ノ Thanks for watching, my ninja!

#jeikage #genshinimpact


35 thoughts on “I bought Ayaka's skin so you don't have to (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Still gonna watch coz Kage video. But I don't dig this outfit at all. Kinda tired of all the frilly girly shit. I can't wait for more Fontain ladies coz I've seen stuff from my sources that shall not be named, and the drip is looking very nice with less frilly.

  2. im so happy that there are people who like this skin. Ive only seen hate towards it and it made me kind of sad. im an ayaka main so i fell in love with this skin. ITS SO CUTE AAAA

  3. Aligators are smaller and have Spade-like heads and generally live in Freshwater. While Crocodiles are larger and have V-like or New York Pizza Slice heads and generally live in Saltwater.


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