i just wanted to play jinni
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#genshinimpact #gaming
I'd level Dori, if collecting those flowers didn't threaten to give me an aneurysm
I'm at 100% exploration for current Sumeru…. and I just got that chest from watching this..
I need help … I accidentally deleted my account data/game process and now I have to start over again… Is there any way to get my data back ??
Waiting for " I crossed seven sees with 4 Beidous"
Lmao This Took so Long bcuz 2 of the Doris were doing 3 digit damage lmfao only paikon and 1 other Dori was doing all the Work
you know how you do like 4 of each of one character, what if you did smt like "i destroyed humanity with my strongest team" or smt like that??
dori's voiceline after ascencion: The Mora.. the merrier!
beidou after opening a chest: "The Mora the merrier! First round's on me!
i feel like beidou docked in sumeru at some point with her crew and dori tried to tell her some shit and now theyre friends
dori’s fighting animation is so cute i wish i could get her but im guaranteed and at 70 pity 🙁
I think yesterday was youre birthday so happy late birthday paikon
5:45 A player's info says albino dwarf smuggler
Dori's Burst Heals and Gives energy, any enemy caught in the line between jinni and said connected character takes electro dmg over time and her 4th ascension passive allows for every 100% er to give her break off shots from her E an extra particle
Can you do 4 xiaos
The translation lmao
"Small indie company can't make characters hug"
Thanks for the chest
I got dori first pull along with kokomi I am lucky 🙂
id level dori if she wasn't garbage
I found absolutely all the chests in my world (New ones too. ALL map 100%. Yes. I don't have a personal life. ) : oh yes bitch. Come to mommy
Just keep healing just keep healing 😿😿
it was actually weird to see a video without Abobbie in it O_O
Dori is horrible she isn’t good
Dori still not coming home😭
Sry I'm late but happy birthday 🎂🥳
thanks for telling me about that chest
This video made me realize for the first time, that we can see when other player's ults full and ready to use or not. Idk what i originally thought the checkmark icons were for but it makes me thankful just a tad bit that Dori in co-op wouldn't be the most painful experience if two happened to exist at the same time.
I think I stole his dori’s all my 4 stars were dori this ganyu banner
Yesterday. I got ganyu, I didnt want ganyu. QwQ
me laughing in getting dori first try
Have you did a ganyu four man run
I become a -billionaire with dory by ending the world
still waiting on “we made everyone speechless with four fischl”
Seeing all these people with Kazuha makes me sad
(I use 4 scammer and steal everything)
Why are you having a hard time in getting Dori tho… Like I already got c5 with just 60 pulls
The chat has such a cringy humour