I Became a Billionaire by Ending the World with 4 Doris | Genshin Impact

i just wanted to play jinni

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36 thoughts on “I Became a Billionaire by Ending the World with 4 Doris | Genshin Impact”

  1. dori's voiceline after ascencion: The Mora.. the merrier!
    beidou after opening a chest: "The Mora the merrier! First round's on me!

    i feel like beidou docked in sumeru at some point with her crew and dori tried to tell her some shit and now theyre friends

  2. Dori's Burst Heals and Gives energy, any enemy caught in the line between jinni and said connected character takes electro dmg over time and her 4th ascension passive allows for every 100% er to give her break off shots from her E an extra particle

  3. This video made me realize for the first time, that we can see when other player's ults full and ready to use or not. Idk what i originally thought the checkmark icons were for but it makes me thankful just a tad bit that Dori in co-op wouldn't be the most painful experience if two happened to exist at the same time.


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