After 65 DAYS, I finally attempted floor 11 and 12 of Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact…
I didn’t expect to be able to clear the abyss, but we DID IT! 36* abyss coming soon? This video also took a LOT of time and energy to edit compared to my usual videos, but I loved every second, let me know if you enjoyed it!
I love playing Genshin Impact, especially on stream, so feel free to come and watch the story unfold with us!
#GenshinImpact #BranOnline #SpiralAbyss
We did other floors separately but I never managed to clear floor 11 or 12 so this was my first time attempting them fully! Hope you enjoyed this style of editing! This was my first time doing a highly edited video and I really enjoyed it! Let me know your favourite part!
Your Itto is really strong, but Eula is kinda lacking. Ideally, Eula needs 100K minimum every time her burst explode to deal damage in Floor 12
After 180 days, the furthest I can go is Floor 10 Chamber 1 ^^
I guess that's the prize for not wishing at all on Event Characters banners or Weapons banners.
hahahaha the censorship
"not everything is about DPS, its about staying the f** alive!"* -Bran 2022
This is seriously so funny! I almost choke on my sweet potato. goodness!
Ahhhhhh yes i remember last spring when everyone thought abyss is hell, and it was so EZ and now we have THIS
im depressed to finish spiral abyss. but after seeing this, i thought i could be more enjoying my next spiral abyss… thank you.. your video really entertaining like always!
Cool to be a not f2p and have things like Itto AND his sword =/ sadge. Too much op weapons =/
He is representing my thoughts during spiral abyss
Wow that damage on Eula, with missing artifacts xD
Bran beat the Abyss with a 4 star Mask on Eula and without a fucking sand artifact while here I am not beating the Abyss with my Eula with Song Of Broken Pines, Complete beautiful artifact set and strong crit rate to damage ratio… Sad times indeed
Bruh I farmed artifacts for Itto for 2 months straight almost every day and your Itto is better than mine even though I also have his weapon. The RNG gods really are evil
that feeling when a cow does more damage than a meteor
honestly knowing how to do your rotations can spare you precious time and getting particles for faster burst uptime.
it always happens when fighting abbys
This is the reason i despise floor 11-3
The thunder fucker cant sit still
Glad I was here to watch this even though I'm often at the end part of the stream. XD
This was a really fun run. Congrats on first clear! Pog editing style too Bran! I love it. Keep going~
Side note: Jojo in bg is perfect
5:15 I know right?
It's the reason I can't 3* floor 11 ! My Ayaka can't cut it!
your itto is sick
The ending omg
Congrats on beating the Abyss, you have beaten both Albertz and Abraxos since they cannot clear the Abyss at the moment.
Bran, u can use bennett instead of xingqiu, i think it'll better
Should probably be dealing a bit more than 2k dmg before going up against the abyss.
AR god damn 55 help.
You did so good! I've been playing since release but I focused on hyper building my favourite characters so I'm always missing like 10-20 seconds for 36 stars because I limited myself with team building (I have a Xiao and a Klee team). The last 3 times I only got 35. I think I could do it but I honestly don't have the time to play it over and over to get the perfect rng. Sometimes the floor just f*s you even if you have a perfect rotation. x.x
Your Itto team looks amazing (and your Itto is BUFFED)! I'd recommend building the Eula team a bit different (and give her artifacts, poor woman :D) if you are aiming for 36 stars!
Congrats! I'm playing for a year now and can't beat Floor 12. And then I look at you. :') This part is no fun and so frustrating. You're depending on artifacts so much.
sees floor 12-3 maguu kenki… oh good, they did nerf him XD
I still remember those times were floor 12 was full of shield mitacburls and cryo slimes where Diluc was the BEST character you could have in your account because he made that floor SOOO EASY and now he's one of the least used characters with just a 7% of actual usage in floor 12
Crazy Itto build!!! I wasn't able to get Redhorn (rip) but my level 70 Itto does enough dmg paired with Albedo, Gorou, and Zhongli to get me through all abyss chambers with the first team.
I almost made it through floor 12… the Maguu Kenki is what wiped out my 2nd team haha (Kazuha, Qiqi, Keqing, and Xiangling). I was so hype to see you beat it!!!
Use a electro character with eula she will clap even more .. Combination of electro and cryo decreases physical res
congrats! that was so fun to watch
haha, that is hilarious at the end of the video, Eula without sand and still clear abyss floor 12 and still can take damage for long time from Maguu Kenki XD
Your Itto is cracked
That ending though, priceless. Well done on you first abyss clear.
I don't even touch the abyss because I don't like the pain.
Has 29k HP build and complains that Zhongli doesn't give the best shields in the game ??
How does anyone respond to this comment without insulting ??
Wow! To think you just started this game a few month ago. You really made alot of progression
im super super late but you should add an electro member to eulas team for superconduct, the damage it increases for phys units is quite drastic!! love the videos bran!!
I cleared the first 36 star abyss in the first 5 month of the game released, so not too shabby for the first timer
cool headphones