Hydro Archon And Hydro Traveler KIT Speculations | Genshin Impact

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Video is about hydro traveler and hydro archon kit speculations, not their actual kit since we do not know it but just predictions based off of logic and how previous archons kit looking like, so this is for fontaine hydro archon for genshin impact 4.0 and beyond

Transcript: What is goody gang, so today I am going to be talking about some updates to the hydro archon and hydro traveler kits speculations. As usual, please do not forget to subscribe to be updated on the latest Genshin News, and make sure to join our genshin discord server, link in the description. So these are all speculations as said in the title and intro, and not the official information about the kit. With that being said I think the hydro archon is going to naturally be cracked for being hydro characters. The current hydro characters we have now are way too good and they never make an archon worse than the characters of that element unless your name is venti in some instances. With that being said I think the hydro archon is going to be insane and the traveler usually reflects off of the archons kit so I assume he will be great too. But because they are closely related I’m going to be talking about both of them since these predictions can basically apply to both, just in a weaker form for the traveler. Well beginning the hydro archon, it’s been speculated she will be a support character since most hydro characters are. This one user speculated that she will buff damage of other characters by their max HP rather than her max HP which is a very unique concept. The reasoning for this is because venti buffs damage but does can not buff anemo damage, and zhongli has a good shield but the elemental skill has to be constantly hiitting, and raiden buffs but the team has to have high burst costs. So there are always some exceptions to the archons abilities, and I think rather than providing a flat buff to everyone, providing a buff based on the max characters HP can make the archon much more unique. This also goes hand in hand with some speculations I said earlier about Fontaine benefitting those who have higher HP scalings and healing, so I do not think this idea is too far fetched. Another user speculated that Focalors can have a moona and bennett buff in terms of damage as well as Xingqiu like hydro application, which basically just seems like a xingqiu bennett to me. Now there were ideas before that hydro archon will drain HP of the team, and while this could still be true, it does not seem to match the hydro archetype as pointed by a user when hydro has to do with support healing. The idea of draining HP to deal more damage seems more fitting for an aggressive type element like pyro, which I feel like would be a lot more likely as well following that reasoning. Another user speculated that instead, having a skill like Kuki that can maybe drain some HP of the archon but have a ring of striking hydro damage at potentially faster intervals while healing or providing some buff during that duration could be possible. On top of that a burst that bubbles up enemies and shreds their resistance for 50-100% could be used for the burst, increasing more damage without sacrificing the teams HP. I think this is the most possible speculation of the ones mentioned however because hydro has to do with healing and support and this type of kit heavily supports that archetype. Now what this means for the hydro traveler is that he could possibly provide an instance of hydro damage with some healing capabilties, which would definitely be unique for a traveler kit. As per the burst it could just be a slight damage boost or weaker resonance reduction along with weaker buffs overall, which is definitely plausible. Well these are some of the new speculations for hydro archon and traveler kit, let me know which one you think is most likely in the comments below.


27 thoughts on “Hydro Archon And Hydro Traveler KIT Speculations | Genshin Impact”

  1. Hydro has one of the best characters like childe, yelan as support and sub dps, xingqui as support, kokomi as one of the best healers, ayato as one of the versatile dps out there so I guess all roles are probably done best by these characters so hydro archon should be even tier above this character for any of the roles. She will be broken for sure

  2. I know hydro characters pretty much cover all bases in their own way, so if I were in charge of designing Focalors I’d give her a really cool crowd control mechanic like 8 kraken arms that grab 8 nearby enemies and apply them with hydro while also staggering them

  3. Based I guessed Hydro Archon have Elemental Skill that Heal team based in maxed HP and applied Hydro everytime it heals.
    Elemental Burst possible a Bubble that trap all enemy at once and explode into massive dmg similar to Omen of mona but have different you don't need to wait for few second to her bubble works. This bubble have different effect if contract in different element (into Pyro, Cryo, Electro and Dendro)

    Pyro – Damage deal will be increase.
    Cryo – The enemy will frozen for more than 10 sec
    Electro – the enemy will take small dmg from electro while the bubble won't explode but enemy inside in bubble will take electro charge dmg.
    Dendro – make new version of bloom similar to nilou bountiful core.

    My idea possible passive is Increase DMG and Healing Based in HP or entire team.

    Or her burst will be Shapeshift form similar to childe mechanics but off field. Why i guess Childe and Hydro Archon have similar asfect check the new hydro set.

    Hydro Archon – Hydro slime based what i feel.

  4. Not tryna hate or anything but I doubt this is the hydro archon because didn’t they post after it first was leaked that it’s not her? (Im talking about the character design in the thumbnail btw)

  5. it will be better if her elemental skill is kind of like nahida but hydro since her burst is said to be like nahidas then maybe her skill is too? that would be the best hydro application but instead of doing the same effect like nahida she aims to then and after 2 seconds all the enemies that she aimed on will have water bubble spawn in them like those mages so like she aims a camera to capture enemies on the bubble prison having them stunned for 5 seconds


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