Huge Yoimiya Changes | Genshin Impact

#Yoimiya #Genshin #GenshinImpact
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27 thoughts on “Huge Yoimiya Changes | Genshin Impact”

  1. i wanted her to be like ganyu she is a support/dps. u add stringle / favonius and she is cryo aplicator u give her dps weapon tatlent 10 she is solo main dps. i want yoimiya to ne similar, a cracked sub dps for melt ganyu and if we split them she can be a main dps with xq/ fischel

  2. I wanted to use her as a primary DPS as its a role Ive been severely lacking in my comp and it would be great if she could hit as hard as ganyu

  3. When someone leaked the questions on a test, and you studied for it. But then on the test day, the questions changed. So who would you get mad at? the teacher who changed the questions, the person who leaked and gave you false hope or yourself for believing it? At some point I just don't like leakers anymore. I used to like them cuz they leaked the upcoming characters, which helped me saving primo. But then they start leaking too much. The main problem are the people who believe in that, and take things too serious. And they get mad when things aren't what they expected. Come on just enjoy the game, what come will come.

  4. I before wanted to go for Yoimiya, Kazuha, Rosaria, Diona. Was kinda hoping she would be a main dps in this case (which is probably still possible). Just gotta wait and see, really dig her design tho.

  5. But her normal attack multiplier is very high. She is obviously meant to be played a little bit like Hu Tao while her skill is up. I think it's good if they don't give her the full package. Hu Taos negative was her losing her HP and her downtime and that her burst should be used while her skillbis active or the damage will go down.
    Yoimiya has 10s downtime after her skill and the burst is a firework, before the next unit takes the field and triggers the second part of the burst.
    She is now our second normal attack Archer, the second one to get a special aim shot and I think it is great, that she doesn't burst down everything. Weaknesses are important. Hu Tao for example can make far more damage than Diluc, but Diluc gets no downsides oder downtimes. For having no weaknesses he gets less power and I think that's good game design.

  6. I have a guaranteed Yoimiya and that was the change I have been looking for in her kit, was planning to make her Xiao's sub dps outside of abyss and her rotation (signature gear) became more logical with it so I am happy. There has been a long while since I simped so hard

  7. Id rather have a burst with 60 energy cost that does decent dmg.
    Than a burst that does big dmg and cost 80 energy.
    Especially if her elemental skill has 15+ sec cooldown.

  8. oooh. she sounds like a good support for childe from what i can tell, though i'm not really that smart when it comes to these kinds of things. can anyone confirm?

  9. The damage from her E and Charge attacks already will give you all the damage you need. I mean Ganyu is all about the charge attack. Here's why I don't think even with the changes, she'll be a sub dps, you have to take advantage of her E and that's a lot of time on the field. That's 10 seconds which is 3s more time than Hutao before you swap-out. The Q imo is just an additive source of damage and not the primary just like Ganyu's. If someone's going to mention the high CD of the E, well that's the time to use the charge attacks.

  10. I’m still seeing 10s duration and 15s CD. Her blaze explosion occur every 2s. If it is 15sec duration and 15s CD that’s 100% uptime like ganyu. I would prefer this more then having higher damage with short duration. I love characters that have longer duration with off field damage

  11. if mihoyo had to nerf the ult of a 5* character then that should be an indication of the strength of that 5* character like the beta testing is for them to check to see how the characters will do, by default a 5* star character has better stats and is stronger naturally and is able to do insane damage overall. nerfing a 5* char means she was prob even stronger than diluc to the point where she could one shot everything with minimum build


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