HUGE Genshin Impact Problem Patch 1.4 + Patch 1.5 Moving Forward! | Genshin Impact News

#GenshinImpact #Leaks #Patch1.5
Genshin Impact has some BIG issues. From Genshin Impact Patch 1.5 leaks / bans / endgame. Is Patch 1.4 Windblume keeping players interested in Genshin Impact and what could be the end of Genshin Impact?

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50 thoughts on “HUGE Genshin Impact Problem Patch 1.4 + Patch 1.5 Moving Forward! | Genshin Impact News”

  1. I totally disagree with players thirst for content. Satiating a player’s thirst is impossible. It’s impossible to create meaningful content fast enough. The only way to satiate your thirst is to play other games. Now, do Genshin produce enough content fast enough? Arguable. I wish they would release new maps faster than one per 6 months or year. Having said that, and seeing the gaming environment (consoles other games etc) right now, if they rush things, bugs will take over, so, I would like them to release content faster with little bugs. That’s the balance they need to reach.

  2. Hum these are good points and I will just add my opinion. Which is everything is meaningless when it comes to the game and his content/lack of content if your account can be the prey of some unholy hackers…
    Just take one minute to think about it. Close your eyes and behold an "unthinkable" future.
    Think about all the time and effort and for some amount of money you invested in the game because you love and enjoy the game burst into the flames in a couple of seconds. Somebody have logged into your account and use all your primogems, fed all your 5 stars artifacts to 2 stars ones.

  3. What we also have to remember is that Genshin is still within in it’s first year. If content gets rushed it could be garbage and with lots of problems like bugs. Perhaps that’s the issue with an open world Gacha is that there is no “End Game”. The moment the protagonist finds their sibling the game is basically over. Maybe it’s a strategic tactic by MHY to give themselves more time to develop content by releasing re-run character banners. It accomplishes 2 things: 1) Gives players a chance to obtain characters they were not able to before (FOMO). 2) $$$.

  4. my problem is that more and more friends are getting bored and stop to play genshin and if everyone leaves I guess i might stop aswell and it makes me sad because I love the world and the Battle system but things are getting repetitive fast 🙁

  5. If this game stays like this it will stop growing in 6 months and die of in 9. I just want something to aim towards cuz I’ve been doing the same ritual for months now and it’s getting old.

  6. Howllzz if you guys want more content how about asking mihoyo to incoperate and endless dungeon like spiral abyss where there is no mechanics that you can see! This should put you whales to the test on your ability to survive for as long as you can. Rewards will be based on how far you reach.

  7. Day 1 Player here and i hardly find Motivation for dein daylies and resin bumps, cause Nottingham in the World is and competition, and all the chests have been found.

    They need to reinvent the open World (just empty atm). Do the Abyss 13 and 14. May be pvp, Worldrank 9 and above, New Domain levels (100+ lvl). Hell i dort want even mora or Primus or something. Reward could be a skin or New glider….

  8. Gonna be honest, the future updates literally won’t make a difference if there is no replayability. It’ll be the same process it is now. Update drops, mihoyo tries to stretch it longer than it is, everyone eventually finishes, nothing to do again

  9. imo the 1.5 leak was a double edged sword
    new characters being leaked is actually pretty great, gives us hype and gets us to save instead of being unprepared for mystery bannersCOUGH COUGH hu tao COUGH
    (thanks to hu tao being leaked, a ton of hype was built around her and it was successful)

    i really wish the housing system was a surprised though, that would have been so cool… thanks to that russian leaker they just dumped everything and it was insanely messy 🙁

  10. This is true. Haven't played since mid january because there is not much to do.

    When the snowy region in Mondstadt came out it was fun but since then there is nothing really new.

    The events aren't real fun because it's essentially just farming something for rewards.

    I can farm artifacts.. wow.. so fun. I do need a lot of better artifacts but I just don't feel like grinding them because it is just boring to do it myself.

    I slowly start to regret spending 55€ for Klee when she came out but back then the game was still new and fun and just amazing but now it is just stale. I just need something new and fun to do. A housing system or any other thing to slowly build and upgrade to maybe farm some things passively would be cool.

    I know we are not really far into the main story but it takes so long for new main story content to come out. It's been half a year and we still don't have Inazuma.. not even the first half of the Inazuma story.

  11. I wanna spend on the next banner but it's kinda scary not knowing whether that investment is going to mean anything in the future with all the uncertainty… I need something to cling onto

  12. I’d like them to add an improved Test Run. It would be good if I could select a character, set the level and talent levels then test it out to see if I like it, instead of spending piles of resources and then not liking the character

  13. If we could get an extra 160 of resin per day by helping lower leveled players in domains that would be nice ! Or if we had guilds to be able to trade items of equal value for example talent materials such as the tusk from child with the claw of duvalin or gold material for gold material or green for green such as slime or nector

  14. The problem with so called "never-ending RPG" like this or FFBE is players burn out from having to play it everyday to get certain items and rewards without the satisfaction of completing the game.

    Traditional RPGs have the definite ending and can be played from the start for completionist. Some RPGs have multiple endings, which makes it interesting but games with no ending makes the players to hang in the air without the resolution.

  15. considering how abyss is a "DPS race" I want them to add an "endless" wave survival mode as another potential endgame content so that we can actually utilize the healers in the game

    also something like the Hypostatic Symphony but for all the other world bosses would be great to have as another potential endgame content

    minor side thing I personally want them to do is to keep the minigames we've had, like every now and then I kinda wanna play Theater Mechanicus just because I'm a tower defense lover, same with the (currently up)Ballads of Breeze just to tickle the rhythm gamer in me with Genshin's soundtrack… actually weirdly enough I think making the mini-games somewhat a ranking event of sorts could make it a fun endgame content of sorts

  16. As far as endless content is concerned, they should add a roguelike(think the gungeon or soul knight, or minecraft dungeons (although MCD was garbage) randomly generated domain with infinite floors, which will reset every month, requires zero resin and has a leaderboards that show who has cleared the most floors in the month, and a primogem ranking reward in the leaderboard based on how many you cleared. each floor gives 10 resin and 10 primogems, the difficulty ramps up fairly slowly but can be infinitely difficult for the sweaty whales. there endgame content solved with about ten seconds of thinking

  17. you know another giantic problem. in a few patches alot of moble players wont be able to play the game unless they buy top of the end Phones or devices with over 20+ gigs especially with how internal storage works and sd cards where you cant move games off of internal to sd

  18. I want a reason to have to assemble more than 2 teams so I can get excited for new characters that are announced. at the moment I only tend to wish on banners that have characters I need for my teams and not necessarily because I think a character is cool. I also have so many characters that are just sitting there unused and it seems like a shame.

  19. tbf a lot of these problems are real and creeping but the youtubers and streamers really are whacking on this problem, maybe we have to realize that yall speedrunning the damn game for content so maybe rephrase the argument entirely. yall will really burn out and find the game boring and lackluster bc yall really doing the most and while i get that your time, money, and efforts are super appreciated by people like me, it isnt entirely something that we can fault devs for, the entire culture of wanting to binge something and finish the fastest, first, and complete everything is ruining not just the game but how we see entertainment as a whole. while mihoyo should def fix and prioritize problems that are rooted in keeping accounts secured, gameplays that people will enjoy, making that the game is more interactive and keeping those characters alive in game itself.

  20. Perhaps I'm the minority who never does Spiral Abyss at AR 55. Only did it once. I'll go back and finish when and if the game gives me usable artifacts.

  21. I agree a new area would be nice, but that would be only a temporary remedy. Content wise it feels more like a beta.They don't have enough gameplay loops and and most of the things worth doing are limited to resin. They need something solo and multiplayer(it could be the same content with adjusted difficulty) that isn't restricted to resin or a number of times per day. I just start to scratch that itch and it is over. Though it is all too common with gotcha game and why so many times I quit playing them. I don't expect Skyrim, but I expect to sit down an play until I tired of playing and not because there is nothing left for me to do.

  22. Rarely come across game with such huge potential, but in some ways I can see the success
    it's had being an obstacle for MHY to try new things (really hope I'm wrong). The formula they've
    employed so far has worked really well, it's bringing in bucket loads of cash as it is, the argument
    can be made if it ain't broke, why fix it, why risk it investing time, resources and more importantly
    money in to something new. Mini-events are a safe risk, they're over quickly and mistakes can
    be wiped away easily. As much as I'd like to see a little more mmo-rpg elements implemented,
    despite being somewhat of a hybrid, it's a Gacha game first and foremost.

    Again, really hope I'm wrong, but right now just hoping for the best and expecting nothing.
    One thing is certain though, it's feeling like a chore to play now, fun aspect has almost gone.

  23. Its painfully slow. Not even 1 week of 1.4 and I already want the 1.5, looking for leaks everyday because theres really nothing that makes me excited rn. We already had 2 filler version 1.3-1.4 this is 3 months of nothing. You can do all these quests and mini games in an hour, but the version is 6 weeks, 6 weeks waiting and hoping that the next version even have something. This game has no sustainable content. And mhyo blatantly being greedy just makes everything worse

  24. find it funny that people except a MOBILE game to have all this end game content and crap, yet even sub based MMO's can't keep up with the 1% that expect everything to run at the pace they play at.

    also the freezing thing was not fun for Dragonspine, it was quite frankly stupid.

    another thing is the connection since the last patch has been notably different. I normally had 200ms (on PS4), and my friend had 150ms (on PC), now we both have a permanent 50ms more added to that and its extremely frustrating, getting hit by things you've dodged or by things that you are no longer in the area for is the same thing that makes me stop playing MMO's.
    also with the extremely unstable FPS on PS4 alot of stuff is just stuff I can't be bothered with now.

  25. Rumors are circulating on Twitter from a very trusted source that the new big region [ Inazuma ] will come in September with the most anticipated character of all time "AYAYA" ( you know who I mean).
    Until then we will get the new Dendro element and the small region called The Chasm on patch 1.7 – 1.8

  26. Very nice video

    Honestly I believe that if Mihoyo seriously doesn't bring out the Chasm anytime sooner or 1.5 is another event like Latern rite and Windblume festival then I'm pretty sure they gonna shred the player base, yeah you could say you could possibly get some new players but most likely those loyal players from day 1 and players from 1.2 are mostly gonna be done with this game

    I also have the same opinion with everything being time trials

    They need to add some really hard content or advance the abyss where a floor isn't pressured by a fact clear time but is pressure by actually hard hitting and punishing enemies

    Introduce mechanics that totally changes the Meta and force both F2P and Whales to build differently

    This is all me but My suggestion would be introduce a Monster or a Debuff that prevents Crit or lowers crit rate

    Mobs that shred through shields or ignores shields to force healers back into the meta

    Mihoyo just keeps shifting the meta to the new released characters they need to step away from this

  27. I'm just gonna set my mind right now that I am just suffering from success having cleared 36 stars Abyss for a few resets already. Since usually I play late in a new MMORPG game, but this time I came early. And I notice there are still a lot of new players and even some AR 55 are not yet at high Abyss Floors. So I'm just gonna relax, let more players get geared up.

    I wonder what Mihoyo will do when Tower of Fantasy or Blue Protocol gets released, release Inazuma?

  28. Great game but:

    1.We need a xenoverse 2(style) raid mode.. weekly.( we get 60 primos when we win.)

    2. A pvp multiplayer mode(tournament mode). Primogems and other prizes as a reward. That can be weekly also.

    3. Weekly bosses resin free!! regions come out.
    (Add 3 more bounties & side quests for regions)

    5. An underworld mode. World level ( double prizes can be done mond-sun)(or to get ultimate gear….to use for underworld mode only)

    6. Adventure book
    (Increase chapters every update)
    (Maybe 1 chapter per update)

    7. Genshin go-kart racing lol.

    8.increase rng for prototype drops

    9. Restart spiral abyss from a current floor & not the whole entire floor

  29. I think its okay to have a couple patches that arent game changing. its a brand new game, were not even a whole year in and people are mad cause of no "end game content" FFBE didnt have a lot of end game content till a year or two in and even then half of it was unplayable for free to plays. I think people need to give it time, by september the game is really gonna be moving, were still in the beginning phases and from what i can see mihoyo has a lot they want to incorporate and do, all these events will probably be added as permanent content. so like…if people aren't enjoying the mini games and all the work they put into this stuff they should probably quit…I just dont think its fair to the company when they've put so much work into making a game thats not just based around grinding "end game content" its got a lot more depth than just looking for the next boss to kill.

  30. Hey Howllzz, I posted an idea to the main forums and wondered what you thought:

    a 1-per week quest to summon and defeat a boss who provided you with a constellation shard. Each shard would be character-specific, so like you'd have to get x10 Fischl shards to make her Stella Fortuna. since there is a large library of characters, to narrow it down a touch, when you are selecting the boss, you choose what element it will be, and the Fortuna shard it drops would be for a character that has that corresponding element, so in the example above, the boss you would fight would be electric. So maybe like a hard version of the electric cube boss.

  31. The biggest problem with genshin impact is the end game and how empty the world starts to feel after a while. Some solutions would be:

    Remove the resin system or at least improve it. For example all domains, hypostasis, regisvines should have a free daily reward lock and then for subsequent rewards resin could be used.

    The open world needs to be more active. All non-(quest/world mechanism/shrine) chests should respawn + have improved difficulty guards. Also there could be more elite mob spawns that give at least 4 star items etc.

    Finally the abyss should be improved with more rewards ( the primogem rewards atm are insanely low), weekly reset of rewards, more floors and more multiplayer action.

    Later on the game could use more multiplayer content etc but for now the game has to fix whats not good and improve the current systems so then the devs are free to make new ones.

  32. everytime you kill something you should get adventures exp, it would give people a reason to kill the smaller mobs, and it’s so hard to level up. ALSO WHY DOESNT SPIRAL ABYSS GIVE YOU ADVENTURE EXP??


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