Hoyoverse's Obsession With Wasting Good Stories In Genshin

This has to be one of the easiest problems for them to fix in Genshin Impact. Especially for certain events like Freminet’s Quest with Zuria.

Hoyoverse doesn’t need to turn every single event into FOMO bait.

Thanks for watching.

My X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/DragonMJE

Music Tracks:-
Best of lofi hip hop 2023 🎉: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmKguZohAck&t=142s
#genshinimpact #genshin #fontaine


30 thoughts on “Hoyoverse's Obsession With Wasting Good Stories In Genshin”

  1. Absolutely. Even tho I've been here since the first Albedo quest, it pisses me to no end, and honestly prevents me from recommending Genshin to all the people who would totally fall in love with the game, if they had the same experience I did.

  2. I definitely agree, and as someone who could've been playing from the near beginning but somehow lost my og account, I had no idea certain story quests were once limited events. I get it for events that aren't super lore heavy and just for fun, but why put something incredibly important in an event??

    At first my grievances were with Albedo's limited weapon and other fun looking weapons, but now this video has me realizing just how much is thrown away by being put in an event. I don't make games so I don't have any suggestions—as if they'd take mine from a YouTube channel comment section—but there's gotta be some way you can have these bits of info stored somewhere in the open world. We already have world quest chains and I believe some commissions that have lore in it, why not hyper specific NPCs or whatever that allude to stuff?

  3. i think im starting to think that hoyoverse actually does not care about building lore and story as much as it seems. otherwise, they would have kept the story quests in the event as a side quest or a story quest (therefore also keeping the fomo thing at the same time by preventing late comer players from getting rewrads at the same time).

    they dont do it, because they actually dont care about the story, which is very bad for a story-based game like genshin. i mean, they are not gonna make end game content, they dont care about the story, i really have no idea what they actually care about… maybe they just really think this is just a comfort game with decent animations and voice acting with hot girls -_-

  4. I think it could also have to do with Chinese censorhip issues? I think it's kinda not wanted to talk about depression and mental health issues. I mean Genshin breaks cencorship rules all the time and maybe by being time-limited, controls are not as strict?

  5. people already complain about quests and ask for a skip button, so imagine if every event stayed as a quest, they'd have double the things to catch up on and they'll just complain even more

  6. i think if they gave us the option to install past events as a sort of dlc maybe with some rewards removed i guess, would be the best solution for all platforms, as far as i am aware they already have implemented something like this in honkai star rail or that other new game they are currently working on…

  7. I’m surprised you didn’t mention the commonly accepted belief that the reason they do this is to save device storage space, specifically for mobile players. I also believe that’s why they do but it is a stupid reason if that is the case. They could simply allow us to download the quests we want to play and uninstall them automatically when we finish them.

  8. The thing about the Shenhe quest and the Chasm Yelan and Xiao quest is that they were released as archon quests from the start.
    The Shenhe quest was just a normal archon quest and was a requirement to start the actual Lantern Rite flagahip event.
    The Chasm quest was intertwined with the flagship event mini games but it was still always considered an archon quest.
    But I do agree that most flagship event quests should be permanent quests because of the interesting story and important lore they contain. I think it’s the most egregious blunder Hoyo has made with Genshin.

  9. Time limited lore and quest is personally my first and biggest issue of Genshin since release to this day. Not RNG, not lack of endgame, not anything else, but THIS.
    Don't forget how version 1.1 with "Unreconciled Star" dropped the possibly first ground-breaking piece of lore which was "The stars, the sky… It's all a gigantic hoax. A lie." said by Scaramouche who discovered it, quite possibly, first. It came back TWO YEARS LATER at the end of Sumeru arc when Dottore brought it up before Nahida.
    Mobile phones holding the game back, if it's the reason, then it's a biggest tragedy for lore enjoyers. I'm afraid that's not only because Asia market is mobile-focused but also every past game of Mihoyo was mobile-only.
    And I'm pissed off how Star Rail puts its own events into a "vault" to play at any time, without time limited rewards, but their story being mostly a filler with little to no relevance to main plot and world at all. It's unfair.

  10. The answer is very simple, there's no space left on phones, people are already complaining about it especially people who play multiple hoyoverse games, a lot even expressed not showing interest for ZZZ because of it. Of course they can make event quests downloadable, but that's if there's enough demand to make it happen.
    The 2nd answer is that events are kept time limited so that they actually mean something, it's the same for every game and every festival in real life. If Christmas, Halloween etc. is every single day, does it still have any significance? This is not exclusive to Genshin, any game with timed events do it, MMOs, live service games etc., just that Genshin's events are actually meaningful.


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